Pregnant woman chooses baby name with her twin sister, abandons plan made with her husband: ‘I thought she truly respected me’

Twins tend to have a stronger bond than the rest of us can understand. Since they shared a womb, they’re connected in some ineffable way for life. I’ve known plenty of twins in my day, and even if they’re not that close, there’s still something that bonds them that’s stronger than regular siblinghood. But if you’re a twin who’s close to your twin, then forget about it. That’s a relationship that nobody else can get between. It’s a beautiful thing to share with someone- you have a mirror, a best friend, and a devoted sibling. 

But in the worst cases, that bond might threaten your other relationships. That’s exactly what happened to one expectant father who found himself in the middle of two twins and learned the hard way that he might be playing third fiddle. But was his reaction justified? Is blood really thicker than water? Read on for the story and see what you think. 

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