The Best Dungeons and Dragons Memes of the Week (November 24, 2023)

It’s Black Friday, so time to stock up on your fancy dice, DMs! Just kidding, you don’t need extra special dice to have a good time playing D&D, but man does it help sometimes. Something shiny to look at while you’re battling a demon does the body good. 

I used to play DnD with a group of friends at my college, and we were all pretty new to the game. We had the most fun coming up with goofy names for our characters and making them do ridiculous things. I had one friend who tried to make every encounter with an NPC turn sexual. Our DM begrudgingly complied… for a while. Now that I’m an adult, finding a regular time to play can be difficult, but it’s still nice to bust out a little role-play now and then. It’s a break from the daily drag. And so are these fresh DnD memes for you and the other members of your campaign to enjoy. 

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