The Best Relatable Work Memes This Week (November 7, 2022)

What could be that smell in the air? A potent mixture of coffee breath, printer ink, and mild despair. You guessed it: it’s Monday again, and we’re starting up the conventional working week once more. This is one of the primary reasons that this humble weekday doesn’t tend to be up there when people are ranking their favorites. It takes a special kind of individual to have a spring in their step because they get to go back to the office again. For those who work conventional 9 to 5s, it can seem like an endless stretch of time before we get a reprieve at the weekend. In the meantime, we have no choice but to rely on complaining to help us through. One of the most entertaining ways to do this is via memes, and there is no shortage of them that have something to say about our job-based woes. At least that’s something. 

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