The Most Entertaining Parenting Posts of the Week (January 15, 2024)

If you’re in your local mom Facebook group, you’re probably not there for the community. You might’ve joined those groups thinking it would be a helpful forum to discuss relevant matters, but as time marches on, you know that that couldn’t be further from the truth. I’m in my hometown’s mom Facebook group for one reason and one reason only: the drama. I know it’s cool to act like you’re above the drama, but I am not cool, nor am I above the drama. In fact, I live for the drama! It’s been so long since I was entangled in super juicy drama, so I have to find that entertainment elsewhere. There’s something about real-life drama, mediated by reality TV shows or private Facebook groups, that hits differently. If you want to experience some schadenfreude (happiness at the misfortune of others), these parenting posts are sure to entertain and delight. 

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