‘This money is not yours’: Family demands kid give up the money he received from his grandmother’s inheritance, claiming it was actually meant to go to his father

Inheritances are messy and can so easily cause drama and even break up an entire family. How is it that you can spend a lifetime with a group of people, regard them as the people who are most important and closest to you, and then throw these relationships all away for money?

Many people can be asked that question, including the family in this Reddit story. OP (original poster) has received a life-changing inheritance from his grandmother but was met with unexpected demands from the rest of his family. Apparently, OP’s dad claims that the money was actually meant for him, but the grandmother decided to put it under OP’s name because of his father’s previous tax troubles. OP is now lost with what to do – take the money that is legally his all for himself, take the money but give it to his father, or deny the inheritance altogether.

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