Tolkien Tuesday: The Best Lord of the Rings Memes This Week (March 12, 2024)

Lord of the Rings obsessives, it’s the best time of the week again. You know what I’m about to say: we are about to commence with Tolkien Tuesday. It’s arguable that this is the one fandom to rule them all when it comes to producing high volumes of top-quality memes. 

On top of that, it’s got an enviable caliber of source material to work with. Not every book, TV show, or movie that becomes a memeable phenomenon is as impressive as an actual cultural artifact, but the same cannot be said here. That’s something to be proud of, and to celebrate with—you guessed it!— even more memes. 

Thankfully, the many meme makers among LOTR fans will always rise to the occasion. Whether you are looking to apply the principles of Middle-earth to real-life relatable scenarios or you simply want to dive back into that universe in itself, we’ve got you.

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