‘You need to move’: Freelancer Refuses to Give Up Comfy Seat in Coffee Shop After Being Asked to Move

Coffee shops are the perfect place to relax, work, or meet up with friends, and although there is some debate regarding whether it’s socially acceptable for people to sit down for hours on their laptop while drinking a singular coffee for 5 bucks, coffee shops allow it.

This person had just moved into a new apartment and was exploring the neighborhood when they discovered a cute cafe that sold some delicious cake. So they packed up their laptop (they were freelancing) and sat down to have a coffee. The thing is, they sat down at a 4 person table, even though they were alone. The chairs at the table were by far the comfiest in the entire cafe, and they wanted to be comfortable while they worked. They were just settling in and enjoying their time there when suddenly 4 ‘middle-aged’ people came up to them, asking them to give up their seat.

Check out the full story below, and then for more like this, here are some hilarious dad jokes to enjoy at a dinner table with the family.

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