‘You’re not gifted, you’re just lazy’: Student blames teacher for his rejection from a ‘gifted students’ program, teacher claims he was never a good enough student to get accepted

Every parent believes their kid is the smartest and most talented kid of all. Some parents, actually do end up with a so-called ‘gifted’ child that is smarter than others in their same age group, but in most cases, the parents simply see what they want to see, and they end up setting their kids up for disappointment.

The mom in this Reddit story did just that, as she claimed her son was a gifted child ever since he was a toddler. With no real evidence to actually prove the kid was talented, he simply grew up believing he was smarter than the rest and hardly doing any work to prove it. But that bubble soon burst in his face when he was rejected for a ‘gifted students program’. However, instead of realizing he should work harder, the student decided to blame his teacher for his rejection.

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