20+ of the Best Animal Memes of the Week (June 8, 2024)

Every animal has its day. I’m not talking in terms of literally ruling the earth…earthworms will unfortunately never have their day under that framework. I’m talking about animals becoming popular in merchandising. Think about it…remember like ten years ago when there were owls on every necklace made for teen girls? They connoted the wearer being smart and bookish for some reason? And then a couple of years later, there were shark plushies and fashion adorned with sharks more available at major retailers than they had ever been, presumably having something to do with the Left Shark meme. 2020 was the beginning of the rise of frogs, with the animal becoming more popular than ever on TikTok. Even looking back 20 years ago, when teens wore Paul Frank and other shirts with monkeys on them? What was up with that? Why are some animals cool and merchandisable one minute and lame and dated the next? Here at Memebase, all animals are cool all the time, which is why we have this unbiased and totally cool list of animal memes here for your viewing pleasure. 

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