25+ Memes for Tummy Ache Survivors

It can be hard to focus on anything else when your tummy hurts. Of the classic ailments of the body, it’s one of the worst. Because if you’re somebody who loves food, suffering a stomach ache can feel like being in a toxic relationship with your best friend. You love it, but it treats you wrong. You try to work it out, it betrays you. You have a wonderful dinner, only to pay for it later that night. 

And if you’re someone with chronic stomach issues, you know this feeling well. You can have a string of good luck for a while, only for one flare-up to set you back for a couple of days. One of the only things you can do is learn how to cope. You have your safe foods, your self-care rituals, the places you retreat when the gut starts to grumble. Now, you have these memes to comfort you and let you know you’re not alone. 

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