26 Star Wars Memes for Aficionados of the Force (June 12, 2024)

Summertime is kicking into gear and school is in its final days. You know what that means. Going to the beach, eating popsicles, and finally getting into that juicy summer novel? No! It means more unfettered time to re-watch Star Wars. There’s no such thing as watching Star Wars too many times. The more you rewatch it, the more it unfolds its secrets to you. The more tiny details you pick up. The more moments you see and want to screen grab so you can make a meme out of it. 

I wish they would do more Star Wars viewings in small, local theaters. Like they do with the Rocky Horror Picture Show. They’ll play it, we’ll shout along to all the famous lines, and crack a glow stick every time a lightsaber gets unsheathed. It could become a midnight tradition. Or we can just continue to rewatch by ourselves and look at memes in between. 

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