27 Hilarious Memes Every Bartender Will Pour Themselves a Laugh Over

Working as a bartender can really test your patience. Not only are you dealing with customers piling on top of each other and beckoning you to serve them, but you also have to deal with customers getting more and more tipsy as the night goes on. As a bartender, you’ve probably seen more fights than you care to of in your lifetime. But on slower days, bartending can be a blast. You get to chat with people all day and mix up some fun cocktails. Like any other service industry worker, your coworkers become your family as you fight through rush hour together and deal with weird regulars that you’ll all go in the back and laugh about later. And one of the best parts of being a bartender is the tips. On a night when you’re slammed, you may be running around behind the bar like a crazy person trying to tame the needy crowd in front of you, but you won’t find yourself complaining anymore when you close out the last bar tab and count up all the tips you racked in for the night. So yeah, bartending has its ups and downs, but hey, what job doesn’t?

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