28 Memes to Make Your Sunday Rot Delightfully Entertaining

Sundays are for doing nothing… or rather, recharging, if you must. Sundays are the sacred day of rest, a much-needed respite from the daily grind. After a week filled with long work days, taking care of household chores, cooking for ourselves, and a million and one other responsibilities, we finally have the chance to unwind and recharge. It’s the day to lounge on the couch, snuggled up with our pets, maybe with a good book in hand, and rot the day away. The Sunday scaries we’re experiencing might be the result of Saturday’s late-night activities, or the dreaded week ahead. The looming Monday that’s approaching quickly brings its own set of anxieties, but for now, we are determined to be blissfully lazy. If spending the day scrolling through memes is what brings us joy, then so be it. Let’s set aside the nagging should-dos and lose ourselves in the delightful world of memes. From animal memes to work-related humor, this compilation is the perfect hodgepodge of memes we need right now. 

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