29 Gen X Memes for 80’s Kids Raised on Hose Water (June 13, 2024)

I’m a wooden spoon, lead paint, no helmet, garden hose drinkin’, Gen X survivor. Gen Xers lived through some of the most gregarious things and what do we have to show for it? Battle scars, a bunk knee, and everlasting toughness that’ll surpass any kid these days. We fell from the highest slides and got flung from the merry-go-round and never complained about that broken arm. That’s why Gen X is the toughest generation. 

They have the coolest music, the best hairstyles, the snarkiest attitudes and yet somehow Gen X is still the ‘forgotten generation’. Nah, they got it all wrong. Gen X is the generation that won’t take any BS from anyone. They love fiercely, hate harder, and have managed to survive the world despite everything being against them. 

So if you’re a Gen Xer and you’re proud of it, scroll onward to enjoy this comedic gold that can only be enjoyed if you’ve broken a bone or two back in your day.

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