30 Gym Memes for Maximum Gains (June 22, 2024)

One of my favorite ways to get a workout in is by taking a long, brisk walk. Call it a hot girl walk, call it a perspiration-inspiring perambulation (not as catchy, sorry), I love to lace up my walking shoes and set sail. That said, I usually like to have a destination. It’s hard to be inspired to walk fast if you’re walking aimlessly. So even if it’s a quick coffee pit stop, a scenic overview, or a particularly inspiring block, I like having somewhere to go. 

All to say, it’s easiest to exercise when you enjoy it and you have motivation. You can wait around for inspiration to strike for lifting weights, and it will probably never come. But if you find a cool coffee shop that you want to try, and uh oh, it’s a 3-mile walk away? Well, then there’s your inspiration. Or just look at these memes. 

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