30+ Tantalizing Food Memes to Feed Hungry Stomachs

Is there anyone out there who truly has a healthy, balanced relationship with food? I feel like most of us couldn’t name very many people we know who both eat reasonably healthy and are also normal about it. It’s kind of crazy how this thing that is both a great pleasure and essential to us being alive has been turned into this massive social phenomenon that a lot of us are at least a little weird about.

However, one good thing that comes from this is that it makes it a great topic for internet humor. All our hang ups, aversions, and textural issues are rich material for the all-consuming eye of memes. Some food memes seem to deal in our very worst culinary nightmares, and others are just plain goofy. Every one of them adds up to a diet rich in internet entertainment. What are you waiting for? Eat up.

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