32 College Memes to Help You Laugh Your Way Through Finals

The answer to all the students wondering if this hardship is worthwhile, the answer is yes. You are the only one who stands to gain or lose from this experience, so keep learning and remember that the struggle will ultimately only make you stronger. 

Nobody questions the fact that you can aim for excellence and take breaks from time to time. That being said, if you’re looking for a means to relax from your hectic college schedule and are in desperate need of a small but wonderful laugh, you’ve come to the correct place! Just take a few minutes to look over some of the most popular college memes on the internet and laugh heartily. Additionally, if, after looking through the memes below, you still feel like you haven’t had your share of comedy for the day, don’t forget to check out this incredible collection of 30 memes that will make you laugh out loud.

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