32 Memes That Tell it Like it is

We’re much bigger liars than we give ourselves credit for. There are some virtuous souls out there who have never told a lie, but that’s not the majority of us. It’s not like we’re all walking around telling strangers we’re Nigerian princes needing $10,000, but we tend to lie in little socially sanctioned ways. When someone is wearing a new outfit, and you tell them it’s cute when you secretly hate it, you’re lying to maintain some semblance of social order. If we walked around openly admonishing others, we’d undoubtedly live in a more honest society, but it’s debatable whether that’s preferable. 

Amongst our kin, there is always somebody who embraces radical honesty, not for the sake of virtue but because they want to justify being a d***. If you wish to honest memes that tell it like it is, no matter whose feelings get hurt, it’s time to take a scroll.

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