34 Hilarious Sci-Fi Memes to Fill Your Nerdy Needs (May 27, 2024)

Sometimes you just want to get taken away. Maybe you’ve had a tough, day, week, life, and you’re done with this version of reality. It has offered up its various disappointments, and you have swallowed them dutifully. You’re reminded that to be alive is to suffer, at least in this plane. But you have a compelling idea. 

You lace up your shoes, head out the door, and drive to your nearest movie theater. You stand in line, buy way too expensive popcorn, and you say, «I’d like to buy a ticket to Dune 2.» Then you cozy up in your reclining theater seat, toss back a handful of Raisinettes, and for a little over 2 hours, you get to be somewhere else. Somewhere where your problems don’t exist. Somewhere where worms are huge and heroes win. Somewhere that, most importantly, is not here. This is why we go to the movies. This is why we have science fiction. And when we don’t have science fiction, we have science fiction memes. 

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