34 Memes for People With Taste

Taste is of course, subjective. But when you have it you have it. And when you see someone who has it, you know they have it. It’s hard to define outside of «things that you like,» but I think there’s a difference between preference and taste. A person with taste can recognize something good, even if it’s not their preference. And when someone has no taste, you can tell. 

But I don’t mean to come on here and get on a high horse about taste. I also deeply value things that have «no taste» or are «tacky» or «gaudy.» Those words don’t scare me. Taste just works on a different level. Taste also applies to memes. It’s important to have someone in your life that has the same taste in memes. That way you can send each other memes and enrich each other’s lives. Hopefully, I can be that person for at least one of you. 

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