A Solid Attempt at Making You Laugh, in Meme Form

Making someone laugh is the best kind of drug, especially if it’s somebody you think is funny. There are a few people that my life is dedicated to making laugh. When I do, it’s like completing a marathon in first place. I wonder why that is. Perhaps laughter is the greatest sign of approval we could ever ask for. It’s immediate, it’s resonant, and it makes everybody feel good. 

Today, that person who I’m trying to crack a smile from is you, dear reader. I have it all on the line, and if you manage to L, indeed, OL, I will have done my job. And I can retire. (Okay, maybe I won’t actually ever stop, and that’s the whole addictive piece to it). And what better way to crank the funny engine than memes, the internet’s form of humor currency? So here it goes. Enjoy it, and laugh if you feel so inclined. 

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