‘BRING BACK LAPTOPS WITH DVD PLAYERS’: Millennials, Gen Xers, and Gen Zers share their most Boomer opinions

Baby boomers and old people in general can get a bad rap. They’re portrayed in memes as being stuck up, having an «I got mine» mindset, and embodying the worst of all Karen tendencies. It’s just part of nature for young people to resent and criticize their parents and grandparents generations. As long as there have been old people on this planet, they’ve longed for the past, and that’s in no way unique to the boomer generation. They want the supposed simplicity of their childhoods to return, and they’re quick to deride new things they’re unfamiliar with. 

The generations below baby boomers recently took to Twitter to share their most boomer opinions. «Boomer opinions» is a vague term: they are not talking about what historically boomers have been opinionated about. They’re letting us know all of the things that they’re crotchety old people about, and I love that for them. 

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