31 Things Millennials Grew Up With That Would Send Gen Z and Gen Alpha Into a Coma

Ahhhh the ’90s and early oughts. What a time to be alive. Kids were raised to believe they could do anything, but were never presented with any sort of path on how to achieve that thing. Diet culture had sizes starting a «double zero» and glorifying «her0in chic.» And Myspace Top 8s were making or …
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An Entire ‘Invader Zim’ Backpack Worth of the Best Memes from This Week to Satisfy Millennials’ Nostalgic Funny Bone (March 2, 2023)

Nothing like a Throwback Thursday to get your ready for thirsty Thursday. Because, us millennials have to admit, we need a good happy hour after that long week. And it’s not even over yet! HA…ha… It’s ok though, because we’re here to hit you in the funny bone with some relatable nostalgic memes for millennials. …
Seguir leyendo An Entire ‘Invader Zim’ Backpack Worth of the Best Memes from This Week to Satisfy Millennials’ Nostalgic Funny Bone (March 2, 2023)

Funny Gen X Memes For Members of The All-Too Forgotten Generation

Generation X is the most frequently forgotten generation whenever Generations discourse comes up. Now, all everybody cares about is Baby Boomers, Millenials, and Gen Z, and their various quirks and Gen X is so often ignored. And honestly? That’s probably for the best. Generation X used to be the «kids these days» who served as …
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People Debate Whether the Demise of Blockbuster Was a Good Thing

Millennial nostalgia is never stronger than when it comes to childhood media consumption. In this heady age of online gratification, Blockbuster has come to symbolize everything about the world we left behind when we all became internet addicts. The Friday night ritual of family movie rental may have died (or become something that happens on …
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90s Kids Discuss What They Miss Most About The 90s

The 90s were such an exciting time to be alive; the state of the world seemed to be looking up, and as far as I can tell, there was very little to complain about. At least, that’s what I’ve picked up from watching 90s movies and talking to people obsessed with that decade. One of …
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People Share Nostalgia For Things That Were Normal in the ’90s But Are Now Obsolete

As a millennial born in the late 1980’s, I had the pleasure of witnessing some major cultural shifts, the most prominent being the advent of the Internet. While my early childhood was internet-free, as I got older I was introduced to both the wonders and horrors of the world wide web. And at first, I …
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Gen X Memes For People Who Still Remember The 80s

The way people who never lived through the 80s see that era represented in media is quite inaccurate. If I didn’t know any better, I would think that in the 80s, everyone was wearing neon, leggings, tutus, and headbands at all times. In fact, I would’ve thought that attire was socially mandated. Luckily for me, …
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Top Tweets By People Over 30 To Celebrate The New Year

The weekend is approaching fast, and we’re nearing the second last week of December. It’s pretty freaky deaky that by the end of this month it’s gonna be 2023… Time really flies. It feels like just yesterday we owned a flip phone, had a VCR, and posted entire albums to Facebook after a night out. …
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Generation X Memes For The Whatever Generation

If there’s anything that Generation X is known for, it’s for being the best generation of angsty teenagers. Sure, Baby Boomers had their hippie streak, but everything they’ve done since has been so chronically uncool it’s basically ruined their generational reputation. Millennials are, for the most part, kind of try-hards. They were not particularly known …
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Thanksgiving Edition: The Best Nostalgia Memes of the Week for Any Hungry and Yearning Millennial (November 24, 2022)

Thanksgiving is underrated, but you know who appreciated it? The ’90s! Think about it—every popular show at the time always had a Thanksgiving special. Friends, Hey Arnold!, Seinfeld, The Rugrats, and so many more! It was a time to stuff your face and sit at the kids’s table while the adults talked about stuff that …
Seguir leyendo Thanksgiving Edition: The Best Nostalgia Memes of the Week for Any Hungry and Yearning Millennial (November 24, 2022)