30+ Memes of a Humorous Variety

When people say «I want someone with a sense of humor,» what they usually mean is, «I want someone with my sense of humor.» What you find funny is so personal. I went to a comedy show at a popular venue recently, and everyone in the room was laughing their heads off at the various different comics. I managed to muster maybe 5 …
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39 Unhinged Memes (in a Good Way)

We all have that one chaotic friend, right? You’re never quite sure what problem they’re going to arrive with, what state they’ll be in, or what you’ll be doing with them. They always have a plan, yet you are never truly filled in on it. They’re always embroiled in some sort of drama that is …
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A Deck of Memes to Play A Round With

Card games are one of the great generational common grounds. Put a child, a young adult, a middle-aged person, and a grandparent all around the same table, and they can all play blackjack together. It’s because the humble deck of cards had been around for ages- we all know what they look like, how they …
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A Carnival of Sideshow Attractions in Meme Form

If Memebase is a carnival, then the memes are the clowns, and I am your carnival barker, standing outside the tent yelling «Tickets to the meme show! We’ve got cat memes and gaming memes and all sorts of relatable content!» We’re here to entertain, after all.  The best kinds of carnivals are small, low-budget, local ones where you’re not quite sure if the ride on …
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A Sizzling Heap of Memes Right From the Griddle

If you’ve ever been to a diner where you can watch the line cooks work at the griddle, you know how fun it is to watch them work. It’s art mixed with science and a little bit of dance. They move with such speed and efficiency it’s astounding, cooking 6 eggs to medium-hard, 3 to …
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34 Memes for When You Need to Lock In

«Locking in» has become the favorite phrase of Gen Z-ers attempting to give something everything they’ve got. Made famous by LinkedIn Maniacs and Finance Bros, It’s surprisingly still useful for those of us who don’t have a 5-9 before their 9-5s. Locking in means you’re focused, efficient as heck, and ready to get things done at lightning speed. It’s a wonderful feeling. Knowing that you can churn out everything you need …
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A Silly Silo of 30 Memes

When I see a grain silo on the side of a road during a car ride across the midwestern United States, I feel the urge to get in there. You’ve lost your childlike wonder if you’ve never wanted to swim around in some grain and let it get into your shoes, socks, and pants. I …
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30+ Memes to Brighten up Even Your Darkest Night

Like most people with ears, I love Carole King’s album Tapestry. It’s full of instant classics, relatable lyrics, and rollicking piano. But one of the most classic classics on the album has to be «You’ve Got a Friend,» which somehow everyone knows the words to. Play it. I dare you not to sing along. It’s as …
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30 Memes to Sip With Your Morning Cup of Joe

One of the greatest things about being an adult is that you get to drink coffee. It’s what gets me out of bed most mornings: the promise of chocolatey, earthy, perhaps milky, awake-inducing goodness. Not only does it get your energy up so you actually feel like doing stuff, but it’s also a deliciously impornant …
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‘Quiet pardner, I’m tryin’ to take care of my Nintendogs’: 25+ Laugh-inducing memes and images

Nintendogs was one of those classic DS games that absolutely ruled my friend group in 4th grade. Every recess period, we would fire up our little devices, get our styluses out, and take care of our fake little puppies. I remember finding a cheat code that would unlock infinite money, which turned out to do very …
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