People Explain All the Relatable Things They Can’t Tolerate As They Get Older

There are many gifts that aging brings, and they aren’t just limited to gray hair and wrinkles. Getting older allows us to have a lot more wisdom about the world, at least in comparison to when we were 18. What naturally follows from this is that we start to get a lot pickier about certain …
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Funny Memes For People Trying Their Darndest at Adulting

Every morning I wake up to my iPhone’s alarm and proceed to do all my silly little tasks until 9 pm when the cycle starts over again. When I was a kid, I had no idea how much of my day would be filled with annoying responsibilities. Feeding the cat is one thing, but I …
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Woman Attacked By Dude For Admitting She Didn’t Enjoy High School

Perhaps because the most terminally online tend to be diehard dweebs, it is quite a task to find people on the internet who will claim to have enjoyed their time at high school. There’s no denying that the ages of 14 to 18 can turbulent, and many find that it is made all that much …
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Kids Encounter Landline Phone for First Time, Make Everyone Else Feel Old

Time is a cruel mistress. Trends change and the world moves forwards, until one day, you realize that everything you ever knew has suddenly become irrelevant. It happens to all of us eventually, but few expect it until it actually happens to them. It could be triggered by something as small as still wearing skinny …
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Jerry Seinfeld Models for Clothing Brand Kith, Sparks Funny Reactions and Memes

Remember the days when people used to dress their age? All the young whippersnappers chased trends and created all the cool subcultural looks we still reference now, and everybody aging and past it was resigned to a uniform of muumuus or suspenders for the rest of their natural life.  This has definitely changed over the …
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Twitter Reacts to Leonardo DiCaprio Breaking Up with 25 Year Old Girlfriend

The world of showbiz is a wacky and unpredictable one. Between the random PR couples and dramatic awards show happenings, it can be hard to predict what curveball celebrities are going to throw at us next. It is usually this element of surprise that keeps the little people like us entertained, but there are certain …
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Millennial Memes for People Who Are Proud of Their Generation, or at Least of Their Memes

Millennials truly get a lot of sh*t. But that’s just a part of growing up, right? At the end of the day, we all know that the world is run by 13-year-olds, or at least the internet world. They decide what’s in, what’s out, what’s cringe, who’s cheugy, who’s canceled. It’s all up to the …
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Funny Tweets That Tell What One Should Accomplish By The Time They’re 30

Turning 30 years old is a significant accomplishment. It means the three stupidest decades of your life are over, and you can finally start being a real adult with an actual frontal cortex. While most 20-year-olds are in similar life situations (having horrible service jobs, slugging through college, praying their fake ID won’t get taken …
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Funny Memes For People Trying Their Hardest at Adulting

Every morning I wake up to my iPhone’s alarm and proceed to do all my silly little tasks until 9 pm when the cycle starts over again. When I was a kid, I had no idea how much of my day would be filled with annoying responsibilities. Feeding the cat is one thing, but I …
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Woman Admits She Didn’t Enjoy High School, Gets Attacked By Guy Who Peaked As A Teen

Perhaps because the most terminally online tend to be diehard dweebs, it is quite a task to find people on the internet who will claim to have enjoyed their time at high school. There’s no denying that the ages of 14 to 18 can turbulent, and many find that it is made all that much …
Seguir leyendo Woman Admits She Didn’t Enjoy High School, Gets Attacked By Guy Who Peaked As A Teen