25+ Midwest Memes for Nice Folks Who Say Ope (March 8, 2024)

Every region of the country has a certain ethos. The East Coast screams Kennedy vibes, American Revolution history, and crab cakes. The South of course is dripping with sweet tea, country music, and state-specific barbecue sauce. The southwest gives turquoise jewelry, desert landscapes, and artsy aunts. And the West Coast is all about avocado toast, …
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25+ Midwest Memes for Nice Folks Who Say Ope (March 1, 2024)

Nobody understands the Midwest quite like Sufjan Stevens. Not only was he born in Detroit, but he created two incredible concept albums about two gems of the Midwest, Illinois and Michigan. His original intention was to make an album for each of the 50 states, but after hitting two of the most important ones, he …
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A Meme for Each of the 50 States of the Union

Fifty nifty United States from 13 original colonies. Shout ‘em, scout ‘em, tell all about ‘em. Did anyone else have to learn that song in grade school? It’s one of those that will never leave my brain no matter how hard I try. And it forced me to remember the names of all 50 states in alphabetical …
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25+ Midwest Memes for Nice Folks Who Call It Pop

Oh hey there, pal, how ya doin? Yeah, snow’s a real doozy this time of year. It’s whiter than a Cubs game out there. Almost lost my brother to a snow shovel accident. Had to give him a shot of Malort just to restart his body. Oh relax, I’m just yankin’ yer chain, buddy. Phil’s …
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A Fresh Sampling of 37 Costco Memes for Avid Kirkland Consumers

There are a number of things that make Costco great. For starters, it’s probably the only place in the world where you can buy industrial quantities of regular household good, while munching on a free dumpling sample in the jacuzzi/ice cream aisle. The chaotic mess of the entire warehouse-of-a-store is what gets the shoppers all …
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9 Ways to Avoid Being an ‘Annoying American’ When Vacationing This Summer to Europe

American tourists are notorious in other countries. We’re boisterous, we wear athleisure clothing for every occasion, and we just don’t get the social cues of any other Western country. In fact, Americans are such terrible nuisances in European countries that most locals will gladly accept our tips then go talking trash with their coworkers about …
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Europeans Share Things Americans Aren’t Ready To Hear

American culture can be pretty cringe. Even though I’m pro-America on some Europe vs. America issues (Stephen Sondheim over Andrew Lloyd Webber any day), I am not ignorant of my nation’s flaws. The Pledge of Allegiance is one of my favorite stupid things Americans force children to do. Not only did I have to recite …
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‘Not me being dramatic’: Gen Z shares what it would be like for them on the frontlines in the American military

serving 🇺🇸 while serving 💅🏼🫡

‘The most American Americana ever to America before’: Polish LARPers Pretend to Be Americans and Their ‘Ohio’ Impression is Disturbingly Accurate

To Europeans, American stereotypes are fascinating. We’re loud, we’re enormous, and most of all, we’re completely untamed and unhinged as a nation. The ‘Wild West’ mantra is still alive and well to the Euros and they see most Americans as frontiersmen, galloping head long into the sunset with the wind at our backs, Miller High …
Seguir leyendo ‘The most American Americana ever to America before’: Polish LARPers Pretend to Be Americans and Their ‘Ohio’ Impression is Disturbingly Accurate

Self-Centered Times Americans Acted Like They Were the Center of the Universe

Every country in the world has its share of offensive national stereotypes. The French are rude, the British are stuck up, and Americans? Let’s just say that they have a fatal case of main character syndrome. The USA has a reputation on the international stage for making everything about itself. In one way it is …
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