Delve Into the Magnificent Depths of Laughter with These 30 Hilarious Memes

Sadly, the wonderfully restful and rejuvenating weekend is drawing to an end, leaving us weary in anticipation of the demanding Monday that lies ahead. Even if we are aware that all good things must come to an end, including a long and enjoyable weekend, we must remember that our efforts are rewarded in those fleeting …
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The Best Heartwarmingly Wholesome Memes and Posts of the Week (May 16, 2024)

When was the last time you did something genuinely nice for yourself? Stop and think about it. Simply fulfilling your basic needs, or allowing yourself to rest when you need to doesn’t count. Instead, I’m talking about those moments when you make a conscious effort to brighten your day through something that is a little out …
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The Best Outdoorsy Nature Memes of the Week (May 16, 2024)

There are cathedrals everywhere for those who have eyes to see them, and nature is the biggest and most beautiful cathedral we’ve got. The past month has been full of natural phenomena that would’ve made a caveman lose his mind. If my primary stimulus was banging rocks together, and suddenly there was a full eclipse …
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25+ Darling Dog Memes for Canine Enthusiasts (May 16, 2024)

The Westminster Dog Show was this past week, which to my surprise, is not in England but in fact in Queens, New York. Makes it seem a little less fancy, right? But that didn’t stop the doggos from arriving in their Sunday best, and their owners from spending tens of thousands of dollars to get them primped, …
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44 Memes to Fulfill Your Dreams

Dreams are a curious thing. They come from our heads, yet we have no control over them. They feature people and places from our real lives but often in situations that don’t make any sense. Some claim to tell us things about our subconscious, others prefer to leave them unexamined. Nobody has a good explanation for why or …
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Funniest Cat Memes for Feline Fanatics (May 15, 2024)

The average cat is a very versatile being. They somehow manage to be a mammal, liquid, and bottomless pit for food all at once. Oh, and let’s not forget that they’re also a sponge for our affection, the court jester of every home they bless, and great fodder to make memes out of. Memes about …
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A Solid Attempt at Making You Laugh, in Meme Form

Making someone laugh is the best kind of drug, especially if it’s somebody you think is funny. There are a few people that my life is dedicated to making laugh. When I do, it’s like completing a marathon in first place. I wonder why that is. Perhaps laughter is the greatest sign of approval we could ever ask for. …
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A Meme Dump to Beat All Meme Dumps

Meme lists are a bit like Stanley Cups. Hear me out. Parr of their appeal is that they last for so long. I can sip on my Stanley cup for hours before I have to fill it back up. It eases the part of you that is afraid of things ending. There is no death …
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Nibble on These 28 Sweet and Spicy Memes for an Unforgettable Afternoon Treat

I will proudly and loudly proclaim that this has been a week to remember! We finally made it to Thursday after a never-ending list of responsibilities from work, friends, family, babies, bills, and countless other duties. To be completely truthful, there was a moment when it was hard to imagine what lay ahead, but day …
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The Best Animal Memes of the Week (May 11, 2024)

At some point, I’m sure we all wished we were born into the legendary Irwin Dynasty. Imagine being the heiress to the Australia Zoo throne, spending your days wearing fantastic two-piece khaki outfits with your awesome family. Sure, in order to live this life, you’d have to abandon the family you’ve grown up with and …
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