Father fires 16-year-old niece from babysitting after being 20-minutes late twice, her mother blames it on time blindness: ‘It’s not her fault’

There’s a difference between being late for something and being late for something without even knowing it. If you’re running a few minutes late, you can text the people your lateness affects and let them know your estimated arrival time: No harm, no foul. But if you experience something called «time blindness,» you might be …
Seguir leyendo Father fires 16-year-old niece from babysitting after being 20-minutes late twice, her mother blames it on time blindness: ‘It’s not her fault’

Mother bans playdates after 12-year-old refuses to include her 4-year-old sister, gets called out for her lazy parenting: ‘Mom just wants big sister to babysit’

My sister and I have a pretty tiny age gap. We are solid two years and four months apart in age, and that meant we spent a lot of time playing together as kids. Often, her friends were my friends, and my friends were her friends, too. We had neighbor kid friends who were also …
Seguir leyendo Mother bans playdates after 12-year-old refuses to include her 4-year-old sister, gets called out for her lazy parenting: ‘Mom just wants big sister to babysit’

‘They told her she is not capable of doing the job’: Judgmental parents fire au pair for taking depression and anxiety medication

Being an au pair sounds like an incredibly stressful job. You have to leave the country that you know and love to live with a random family and care for their children full-time. It sounds like being a foreign exchange student without being treated like a cool, fun novelty amongst your peers in this country.  …
Seguir leyendo ‘They told her she is not capable of doing the job’: Judgmental parents fire au pair for taking depression and anxiety medication

Entitled parents belittle grandmother for taking their kids to Epcot while babysitting: ‘She was distraught over missing their first Disney trip’

There are some parents out there who are obsessed with their children’s «firsts.» I can understand that a kid’s first words, first steps, and first days of school are all incredibly salient moments for parents to remember for the rest of their lives, even if their kids don’t retain them. While I respect the documentation …
Seguir leyendo Entitled parents belittle grandmother for taking their kids to Epcot while babysitting: ‘She was distraught over missing their first Disney trip’

‘Your sis had the golden goose of babysitters’: Stingy aunt charges teenage babysitter £20 for eating leftover cake

Unequivocally, to me, the best thing about birthdays is birthday cake. It’s the thing that turns a regular party with regular party snacks into a birthday party with a centerpiece of deliciousness. It’s not truly my birthday until I’ve had cake. And I’m not picky. Sure, I love a fancy-schmancy bakery cake or a beautiful …
Seguir leyendo ‘Your sis had the golden goose of babysitters’: Stingy aunt charges teenage babysitter £20 for eating leftover cake

‘A part time orphanage is crazy’: Mom drops 6-year-old daughter at 24 hour daycare, sparks debate about childcare

Parenting is no walk in the park, especially in this day and age. Most moms and dads get to a point where they want a break. Also, if they have to work they often have no choice but to try and navigate the confusing and expensive territory of childcare. Usually, this service is confined to …
Seguir leyendo ‘A part time orphanage is crazy’: Mom drops 6-year-old daughter at 24 hour daycare, sparks debate about childcare

‘If one kid wants dinner now, then I make dinner’: Mom criticizes babysitting grandma for offering her son fruit instead of cooking dinner 2 hours early

It’s a tale as old as time: you walk up to your mom and tell her you’re hungry for dinner. She says that she’s not making dinner for another hour or so. Then, she offers you some fruit to quell your hunger but not ruin your appetite. You refuse and choose to be miserable until …
Seguir leyendo ‘If one kid wants dinner now, then I make dinner’: Mom criticizes babysitting grandma for offering her son fruit instead of cooking dinner 2 hours early

‘She overtopped us with our own child’: Sister-in-law babysits mom’s baby for free, gets chewed out for buying a more expensive highchair

It can be so easy to compare your ability to provide for your family to others. It’s one thing to be saving your extra money and intentionally not buying your 3-month-old designer sneakers for frugality’s sake, but when you have to buy everything cheaply, it can be extremely disheartening. Even if you’re not able to …
Seguir leyendo ‘She overtopped us with our own child’: Sister-in-law babysits mom’s baby for free, gets chewed out for buying a more expensive highchair

Woman Refuses to Attend Sister’s Child Free Wedding Because Her ‘Kids Were Excluded’

This woman believed she was the main character in her sister’s wedding, but before I say more, let me relay the juicy details of the story. In typical family drama fashion, a Reddit user made an AITA post, asking whether or not she had been wrong in not attending her sister’s wedding. The reason she …
Seguir leyendo Woman Refuses to Attend Sister’s Child Free Wedding Because Her ‘Kids Were Excluded’

Teenage Babysitter Exacts Ultimate Revenge on Overly Meticulous Mom

Babysitting, like teaching, is one of those professions that are vital to a functioning society but that is woefully under-appreciated and under-compensated. These are our young minds we’re talking about. The future of society whose imaginations and intelligence need to be nurtured. The people in charge of them should be paid handsomely for their efforts. …
Seguir leyendo Teenage Babysitter Exacts Ultimate Revenge on Overly Meticulous Mom