Cringe & Crazy Posts From the Dumbest Corners of Mommy Groups

As a non-parent by choice, I have nothing against children. While some childless folk decry the practice of having kids, I believe that we should all just focus on ourselves and do what makes us happy. The only part of child-rearing that offends me is the absolute insanity that some mothers display in their Facebook …
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Cringey Attention-Seekers Who Were Desperate For Clout

Attention-seekers are everywhere. The trait starts at a young age, as some children learn that they can get what they want when they cause a scene. Back in high school and college girls would make out as an attempt to secure the male gaze, and boys would take any opportunity to flex or show their …
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Insufferable Gatekeepers Who Should Really Let People Live

Before the advent of the Internet, gatekeeping (the activity of controlling, and usually limiting, general access to something) felt pretty rare. Unless you went to high school with extremely annoying people, you could wear a band t-shirt without being quizzed on the artist’s catalogue and obscure trivia. Activities such as playing video games, or even …
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15+ Sassy Times Owners Responded to Restaurant Reviews

While Covid-19 is certainly not over, we are seeing some major changes where restaurants are concerned. Many review sites have abandoned grading systems for restaurants. Instead, they focus on the food, writing thoughtfully about the businesses that are not struggling. It’s clear that food establishments are at the mercy of customers and gastronomic publications. Unfortunately, …
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15+ Bad People Who Deserve to Be Shamed

While we like to share instances of good people doing good things for society, we really can’t ignore the fact that there are still some seriously terrible people out there. The r/iamatotalpieceofshit subreddit’s name really says it all: it’s a destination where people share examples of awful humans that deserve to be publicly shamed for …
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19 Cringetastic Moments Of Obnoxious Gatekeeping

Ever meet a person who thinks they are the premier authority of any given subject? That they call the shots of what’s right or what’s wrong. Well, the internet is full of these people, and they’re commonly referred to as gatekeepers. They generally exert this «authority» over aspect of culture, such as gaming, or even …
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Total Jerks Who Should Be Ashamed of Themselves

For every good, selfless person in the world, there’s about a hundred straight up sh*tty people devoid of compassion or respect for others. The sort of person who trashes hotel rooms and restaurants just to make the lives of others more difficult, or blatantly steals from innocent little kids. These jerks shouldn’t be able to …
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Cringey Times Attention-Seekers Were Desperate For Clout

Attention-seekers are everywhere. The trait starts at a young age, as some children learn that they can get what they want when they cause a scene. Back in high school and college girls would make out as an attempt to secure the male gaze, and boys would take any opportunity to flex or show their …
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Insufferable Gatekeepers Who Should Let People Live

Before the advent of the Internet, gatekeeping (the activity of controlling, and usually limiting, general access to something) felt pretty rare. Unless you went to high school with extremely annoying people, you could wear a band t-shirt without being quizzed on the artist’s catalogue and obscure trivia. Activities such as playing video games, or even …
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Please Stop Falling For Engagement-Baiting Influencer ‘Food Hacks’

If you’ve been on Twitter at all in the past 24 hours, you’ve probably seen that Prego is trending. No, the pathetic excuse for a pasta sauce has not been abolished from grocery store shelves. Instead, the gullible people of the internet are expressing their shock and horror at yet another white person who thinks …
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