Former Students Share the Wildest Stories They Have From Grad School

Take it from somebody who did it — sometimes the most deranged thing you can do after racking up debt in college is to choose to do it all over again. There are many reasons why a person might go to grad school. Some just don’t want to stop being students, and others are genuinely …
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Grad School Memes For Student Inching Towards Their PhDs

Grad school is one of the craziest things you can willingly subject yourself to. You have to work 16 hours a day on one very specific subject, teach 3 courses, and live off of a $15,000 stipend. Sounds simple enough, right? Grad school is different for everyone, and there are many different types of postgraduate …
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23 Funniest Classical Art Memes of the Week for the Crowd With Stoic Expressions (February 13, 2023)

Has anyone ever told you that you have a case of RBF? A sullen expression that can only be described as stoic or… dare I say, mad? Yeah, you’re not alone. Apparently, people back in the day held these expressions all the time, and you didn’t see anyone give a hoot about it. Today you …
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College Student Memes To Help You Procrastinate Studying For Finals

It’s that time of the year again: the absolute worst three weeks of the year for every college student. You don’t even have to say it to know that finals week is upon us, and students at universities around the world are super bummed out about it. This is the first December I haven’t had …
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Memes For Broke College Kids

«College was the best part of my life» is a sentiment often expressed by weepy alumni. It can put a lot of pressure on current college students to have the best time ever because college is supposedly the best part of their lives. I sometimes wonder whether college was the best part of my life, …
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People Swap Horror Stories About the Grossness of Living in College Dorms

Many students find that going to college for the first time is a baptism of fire. Being thrown into an alien environment with a load of other people who don’t know what the hell they’re doing is always a recipe for chaos, especially when you’re a. still teenagers and b. therefore idiots.  Never again in …
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Grad School Memes For Future PhD Recipients

Grad school is one of the craziest things you can willingly subject yourself to. You have to work 16 hours a day on one very specific subject, teach 3 courses, and live off of a $15,000 stipend. Sounds simple enough, right? Grad school is largely different for everyone, but there are certainly different types of …
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30 Disturbingly Relatable Memes For Students Struggling to Survive The First Week of School

The first week of school is a whirlwind of syllabuses, struggling to remember names, and regretting all of your class choices. Summer frivolity is all but thrown out the window as you drag yourself to class wearing nothing but an old t-shirt with ramen broth stains and the cleanest pair of PJ’s you could find …
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Toxic Mother Tries To Force Daughter To Leave College To Raise Her Siblings

Older daughters are often forced to be third parents for their younger siblings. Many parents have more kids than they can reasonably care for, putting excessive pressure on their older children during their teenage years. Teenagers already go through enough stress, trauma, and anxiety without the element of rearing children. They didn’t ask to be …
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College Memes For Back To School Season

Bright college days, oh, carefree days that fly! It’s almost time for first-year students to move into their dorms, syllabus week to commence, and the binge drinking to begin.  College is such a unique time in your life. For many students, it’s the first time they’ll be away from their family and maintain a semblance …
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