Entitled mom orders adult meals for her 6 and 9-year-old on boyfriend’s dime and refuses to take home leftovers, goes no-contact when boyfriend complains: ‘She went silent for a day’ 

They have a kid’s menu for a reason. Kids tend to have tiny stomachs and small appetites, so ordering them a full-on tomahawk steak might be the wrong move, not to mention a waste of food and money. Plus, most kids don’t have the most refined of tastes, so Kraft mac and cheese and chicken …
Seguir leyendo Entitled mom orders adult meals for her 6 and 9-year-old on boyfriend’s dime and refuses to take home leftovers, goes no-contact when boyfriend complains: ‘She went silent for a day’ 

20+ Pairs Who Matched Each Other’s Freak, Getting More Niche as They Go

Once in a blue moon, a tweet comes around that activates every single fandom known to the internet. It’s usually a call so general, yet so compelling that it sends Stan Twitter running to their saved photo albums, searching for the perfect reply image of their chosen icon. It’s no small feat to get the …
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25 people reveal the moment they knew they married the wrong person: ‘First dance at the wedding, zero chemistry or emotions, it was a nightmare I’ll never forget’

As time goes on, people’s attitudes towards marriage are changing big time. Lots of folks are waiting longer to tie the knot for a bunch of reasons. They want to make sure they’ve found the right person, save up for the big day, or just live on their own for a while before settling down. Those are all good reasons. Back in the day, couples used to get hitched in …
Seguir leyendo 25 people reveal the moment they knew they married the wrong person: ‘First dance at the wedding, zero chemistry or emotions, it was a nightmare I’ll never forget’

25 Spouses reveal the moment they knew they married the wrong person: ‘First dance at the wedding, zero chemistry or emotions, it was a nightmare I’ll never forget’

As time goes on, people’s attitudes towards marriage are changing big time. Lots of folks are waiting longer to tie the knot for a bunch of reasons. They want to make sure they’ve found the right person, save up for the big day, or just live on their own for a while before settling down. Those are all good reasons. Back in the day, couples used to get hitched in …
Seguir leyendo 25 Spouses reveal the moment they knew they married the wrong person: ‘First dance at the wedding, zero chemistry or emotions, it was a nightmare I’ll never forget’

‘He had a tall head’: 20+ Hilariously petty reasons daters refused a second date

The TV show Seinfeld is famous for offering its viewers trivial things over which to stop dating someone. Jerry cut it off with someone who had «Man Hands,» George couldn’t quite get over losing a chess game to a girl, and Jerry ended it with a different girl after she expressed fondness for a Dockers commercial he hated. All very petty …
Seguir leyendo ‘He had a tall head’: 20+ Hilariously petty reasons daters refused a second date

‘You really need to get a new wardrobe’: Couple goes on fishing date, woman ditches him for wearing fishing attire

Picking what to wear to a date is tricky business. You want to strike the right balance between effortful and comfortable while displaying your personal style. If you go too dressy, you might risk overshadowing your date. If you go too casual, you risk offending them. If you wear something you’re not comfortable in, you might not …
Seguir leyendo ‘You really need to get a new wardrobe’: Couple goes on fishing date, woman ditches him for wearing fishing attire

‘He couldn’t stand the idea of working for someone else’: Breadwinner girlfriend splits expenses 70/30 with jazz musician boyfriend, argues with him about getting a ‘real job’

Being an artist is all about sacrifices. You have to either be willing to live on a shoestring budget, piecing together work while you can, or give in to a ‘real job’ that you can do while pursuing your interests. But things get messy when you try to depend on another person for your financial freedom, especially if that person is …
Seguir leyendo ‘He couldn’t stand the idea of working for someone else’: Breadwinner girlfriend splits expenses 70/30 with jazz musician boyfriend, argues with him about getting a ‘real job’

Controlling boyfriend withholds salt from girlfriend’s cooking: ‘He needs to take several seats’

Salt is one of those this that is pretty much non-negotiable. Why do you think they chose it to supplement us with iodine? Because everyone uses it all the time. Every day. The average American consumes about 7.5 pounds of salt per year. It makes our food taste more like food. How does the science …
Seguir leyendo Controlling boyfriend withholds salt from girlfriend’s cooking: ‘He needs to take several seats’

‘My dad jokes are wasted’: Child free folks discuss the cons of the no-kid lifestyle

One of the biggest decisions we’re asked to make in life is whether or not we’re going to have children. There’s so much social pressure to conform, and nobody pushes parenthood like parents. It’s the choice they made, after all. But there are definitely some drawbacks to going full steam into parenthood. It’s expensive, it’s …
Seguir leyendo ‘My dad jokes are wasted’: Child free folks discuss the cons of the no-kid lifestyle

Boyfriend who peaked in high school gets offended that nerdy girlfriend didn’t know who he was in high school: ‘Nobody had time to think about popular kids’

I went to one of those public high schools where the nerds were as vicious, if not more vicious, than the popular kids. They weren’t throwing tampons or pouring pig blood on each other, but they were ferociously competing against each other to be the most highly-ranked students in the school. At a school with …
Seguir leyendo Boyfriend who peaked in high school gets offended that nerdy girlfriend didn’t know who he was in high school: ‘Nobody had time to think about popular kids’