Dad hires a 16-year-old babysitter to work overnight, gets cross when she doesn’t wake up to tend to 9-month-old crying baby: ‘Maybe she should set alarms throughout the night to make sure she’s awake’

When hiring a teenage babysitter, there is only so much that you can ask them to do. While some teens make babysitting a whole job instead of a one-off thing, you can’t expect someone who is still in high school to take on the full burden of childcare that you’d ask of an actual professional …
Seguir leyendo Dad hires a 16-year-old babysitter to work overnight, gets cross when she doesn’t wake up to tend to 9-month-old crying baby: ‘Maybe she should set alarms throughout the night to make sure she’s awake’

Single mom cries baking cupcakes for own birthday, causes controversy on the internet: ‘You have to have a man to enjoy baking yourself a cake?’

Romantic relationships aren’t everything in life, but there is no denying that they can often seem very important. This is especially true when it comes to the difficult task of raising kids. It’s still rare that a parent sets out to bring up their children alone, but that’s exactly what millions end up doing anyway.  …
Seguir leyendo Single mom cries baking cupcakes for own birthday, causes controversy on the internet: ‘You have to have a man to enjoy baking yourself a cake?’

‘It’s toddler behavior’: Woman sobs and heaves after remembering a 2 mm cut on her finger, resists any help her husband offers

Some people can withstand extremely harsh conditions but falter at the strangest setbacks. A man recently went viral for sharing a story about his wife, who is one of these people. She can do challenging workouts alongside him but freaks out when faced with a little cut on her finger. And I don’t mean that …
Seguir leyendo ‘It’s toddler behavior’: Woman sobs and heaves after remembering a 2 mm cut on her finger, resists any help her husband offers

‘I would simply command the child to be quiet’: Childless woman claims kids shouldn’t be in public if they can’t be quiet, gets roasted by parents

Kids are not always the most quiet members of society. They tend to say anything that pops into their head, especially when they’re not of school age quite yet. Little kids frequently cannot control their emotions and, as a result, have crazy meltdowns in public in front of everybody. As much as a baby crying …
Seguir leyendo ‘I would simply command the child to be quiet’: Childless woman claims kids shouldn’t be in public if they can’t be quiet, gets roasted by parents

‘This was some secret test’: Weird mom friends shame child-free woman for ignoring baby’s cry at a restaurant

Thankfully, I’m not at the age where I’m starting to «lose friends» to parenthood, like the subject of this recent horror story. But I imagine that’s a hard thing to go through. You can have all the intention in the world of staying friends, but life will rapidly get in the way if one of …
Seguir leyendo ‘This was some secret test’: Weird mom friends shame child-free woman for ignoring baby’s cry at a restaurant

30 Amusing Therapy Memes for People Trying to Process Thanksgiving

Please raise your hands if you’re ready to talk about what is likely the MOST significant person in our lives—our therapists! You know, the person who has always been there for us and remains unwavering in their support.  Everybody wants to find a miracle cure that will make all of our issues go away. Some …
Seguir leyendo 30 Amusing Therapy Memes for People Trying to Process Thanksgiving

Customer Stiffs Dine-In Movie Theatre Waiter Because He Served Them While They Were Crying

There is a lot of contentious discourse about tipping these days. I believe there’s some merit to the idea that you should not have to tip after every transaction. However, if you’re sitting down and being served by a waiter, it is your duty (at least if you’re an American) to tip your server.  Dine-in …
Seguir leyendo Customer Stiffs Dine-In Movie Theatre Waiter Because He Served Them While They Were Crying

17-Year-Old Bakery Worker Learns of Friend’s Passing Before Shift, Cruel Manager Refuses to Give Her Leave

One of the most traumatizing experiences at work is being visibly upset on the job. It’s happened to most of us at some point, for reasons both big and small. Bad news can be a pretty common culprit, and having to put on your moneymaking face while reacting to something like a death is nothing …
Seguir leyendo 17-Year-Old Bakery Worker Learns of Friend’s Passing Before Shift, Cruel Manager Refuses to Give Her Leave

Cruel Deacon Makes Bride Cry On Her Wedding Day, Valiant Groom Gets Him Fired

Weddings are stressful enough as it is. Hundreds of hours of planning and thousands of dollars go into this one day, and if you’re the bride or the groom, you want it to be perfect. Unfortunately, wedding venues are not perfect, especially churches. If you want a church wedding, you’ll likely have to put a …
Seguir leyendo Cruel Deacon Makes Bride Cry On Her Wedding Day, Valiant Groom Gets Him Fired

«Remember to drink water to refill your tears»: Funniest Sad Boi Memes of the Week That Cure Your Seasonal Depression (November 23, 2022)

As we get older, the woes in life seem to get heavier. Perhaps it’s because we’re no longer children and see the world for what it is — a big heaping pile of hot garbage. Go humanity! However, it turns out, as adults, pretty much everybody is depressed in some way or another so now …
Seguir leyendo «Remember to drink water to refill your tears»: Funniest Sad Boi Memes of the Week That Cure Your Seasonal Depression (November 23, 2022)