A Sumptuous Arrangement of Random Memes

In my humble opinion, the cult of the little treat has been one of the more compelling bits of cutesy and annoying internet lingo to have emerged in the past couple of years. This is primarily because it can be used in every kind of situation. Having a stressful time at work? Guess today is …
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39 Unhinged Memes (in a Good Way)

We all have that one chaotic friend, right? You’re never quite sure what problem they’re going to arrive with, what state they’ll be in, or what you’ll be doing with them. They always have a plan, yet you are never truly filled in on it. They’re always embroiled in some sort of drama that is …
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A Deck of Memes to Play A Round With

Card games are one of the great generational common grounds. Put a child, a young adult, a middle-aged person, and a grandparent all around the same table, and they can all play blackjack together. It’s because the humble deck of cards had been around for ages- we all know what they look like, how they …
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30 Out of This World Memes to Launch Your Laughs to Infinity and Beyond

We are eager to start spreading some happiness and laughter as the workweek officially draws to a close. As a result, we have put together a collection of some of the most relatable and hilarious memes we could uncover. We have thirty memes that are sure to make you smile and brighten up your day! That being …
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30 Memes That Have Gumption

Let’s face it, most of us are lacking in motivation at times. We can’t always leap out of bed fully awake and ready to take what the day throws at us. In fact, it’s easy to feel like everything is conspiring against this happening. Honestly, most of the time memes are probably one of the …
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27 Memes That Won’t Let You Down

There’s a great Beatles song that goes «Don’t let me down.» A simple enough statement, but hard to do in practice. Sometimes expectations are hard to manage. For example, you can have a reservation at a restaurant all week that you’re so excited about. You’ve heard things, you’ve read reviews, you’ve been studying the menu. …
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Many Memes Making Their Way in the World

It isn’t easy being a meme just starting out. You don’t even ask to be born, and then tada! You’re a picture with humorous words, an incising tweet, or a funny photo with less funny and entirely unrelated words. You have no experience being a meme, and yet you’re expected to go out there and …
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34 Memes That Are All Fun and Games

While it’s true that memes can deal with the serious topics, we usually don’t turn to them when we want our mood to be brought down. No, their most important purpose is to entertain, distract, and encourage us to procrastinate, and that is something we should never lose sight of. This doesn’t mean it’s a …
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A Spring Mix of 29 Memes to Keep Your Spry in the Sunshine

The days are getting long, the sun is shining strong, and buggy evenings have amassed once again. For those of us downtrodden by a lengthy winter, springtime is a welcome reprise, giving us the vitamin D and serotonin we’ve desperately needed. Lucky for us, spring is serving up some happiness on a sunshiney platter!  To …
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A Carnival of Sideshow Attractions in Meme Form

If Memebase is a carnival, then the memes are the clowns, and I am your carnival barker, standing outside the tent yelling «Tickets to the meme show! We’ve got cat memes and gaming memes and all sorts of relatable content!» We’re here to entertain, after all.  The best kinds of carnivals are small, low-budget, local ones where you’re not quite sure if the ride on …
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