‘He said he had an alpha personality’: 20+ flagrant red flags that made regular folks run for the hills

As Lisa Kudrow as Wanda Pierce in Bojack Horseman once said, «When you look at someone through rose-colored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags,» which is one of the most poignantly true statements anyone has ever made, especially in an adult cartoon. When you love someone, or when you want to love someone, it’s …
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‘She has a type’: Legendary woman invites 5 dates to the same bar, lets them ‘battle it out’

Going on a bunch of first dates can get pretty boring after a while. You ask them the same questions «Where are you from?» «What do you do?» «How long have you lived here?» «What music do you like?» Over and over again until you either meet the one or get so bored that you …
Seguir leyendo ‘She has a type’: Legendary woman invites 5 dates to the same bar, lets them ‘battle it out’

Woman tries to con widower out of a free meal, lashes out when it backfires: ‘Men are not meal tickets’

Dating apps and online dating seem to be one of those inevitable realities that nobody really enjoys but that everyone seems to get wound up in at one point or another. It’s hard to tell what someone’s intentions are on the other side of a screen. Some people are just in it for yucks, some …
Seguir leyendo Woman tries to con widower out of a free meal, lashes out when it backfires: ‘Men are not meal tickets’

‘I’m sensing we grew up in different tax brackets’: Entitled woman enrages internet after asking her date to ‘film all of his icks’

As the official job interviews of love, first impressions are a vital part of going on a date. Many who are eager to impress somebody try to be on their best behavior. This isn’t the same for everybody, though—some daters subscribe to the school of thought that you should let it all hang out as …
Seguir leyendo ‘I’m sensing we grew up in different tax brackets’: Entitled woman enrages internet after asking her date to ‘film all of his icks’

‘My vote is nurses’: People share professions that would keep them from dating someone

When you’re in your early twenties, it seems like everybody is dating everybody, no matter how incompatible their lifestyles are. I know couples with opposite work schedules but can still get together and go on at least one date per week. As you age, it gets much more challenging to plan your life around someone …
Seguir leyendo ‘My vote is nurses’: People share professions that would keep them from dating someone

20+ Groomsmen Memes for the Groom and His Best Men

It’s not just a big day for the bride and her bridesmaids, the groom and his groomsmen need some time in the spotlight too. 

‘A random fact I love: Pickles’: 20+ ridiculous times people didn’t understand dating app prompts

It’s a well-documented fact at this point that dating apps are a miserable place to be.  For every couple that found their happily ever after by swiping right or sending a like, there are a thousand singletons who are wondering what the heck they must have done in a past life to deserve the karma …
Seguir leyendo ‘A random fact I love: Pickles’: 20+ ridiculous times people didn’t understand dating app prompts

Half-Off Memes for Sweet Tooth Sweeties Stocking Up on Half-Priced Post-Valentine’s Day Candy

Whether you had a BAE this Valentine’s Day or not, anybody with a sweet tooth can celebrate February 15th. Why is that, you ask? Because now all the holiday’s candy is on sale! Why not get yourself a heart-shaped box of chocolates? You deserve it! Why share full-priced candy when you can have half-off candy …
Seguir leyendo Half-Off Memes for Sweet Tooth Sweeties Stocking Up on Half-Priced Post-Valentine’s Day Candy

The Most Entertaining Dating App Cringe This Week (February 14, 2024)

Gosh, there are so many different categories of relationship status these days! It’s no longer as simple as single or taken, married or divorced. There are the couples who love posting cringe about how great they are together, and those who can’t help but post about how not great they are together. There are the …
Seguir leyendo The Most Entertaining Dating App Cringe This Week (February 14, 2024)

25+ Romantic Valentine’s Card Memes That Spread the Love

There are plenty of arguments to be made about the true meaning of Valentine’s Day, and some are more positive than others. My suggestion would be that one of the most important things about it is the opportunity to communicate our affection to somebody special. All you people obsessed with love languages, now is the …
Seguir leyendo 25+ Romantic Valentine’s Card Memes That Spread the Love