25 Baffling Design Choices Found in the Wild (February 11, 2024)

In grade school, I used to have a writing teacher who would offer extra credit to you if you spotted a typo in the real world, took a picture of it, and sent it to her. It was a great idea all around. I had fun checking signs for bad grammar, and I was also …
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24 Wacky Design Fails Found in the Wild (February 4, 2024)

Design is the unspoken language of the universe. It’s everywhere, whether we know it or not. The clothes you’re wearing, the chair you’re sitting on, the screen you’re looking at, the font that this is typed in… somebody had to make those. Of course, in the era of AI, there might be less and less …
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20+ Home Decor Memes to Accessorize the Living Room With

One thing that makes me glad that I don’t own my own home is that I’m not held responsible for most of the repairs it might need. That’s a landlord problem, through and through. On the other hand, it also makes me frustratingly limited with what I can do with the fun stuff, i.e. home …
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25 Baffling Design Choices Found in the Wild

I’m no designer, but I do have common sense. Sometimes we get so caught up in trying to make something look good that we lose sight of its actual functionality. As the saying goes, we were so busy wondering if we can that we didn’t stop and ask if we should. But I’m all for a wonky design choice. …
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30 Hilariously Absurd Signs Found in the Wild

Do you ever feel like you’re looking for a sign from the universe? That you need a little reassurance to know that you’re doing the right thing? Do you ever find yourself looking for answers in the faces of strangers? Have you ever leafed through a book looking for clues about your own life? Me …
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An Illustration of 33 Classical Art Memes That Paint Funnies in a Portrait

Hey there, fellow meme enthusiasts, and welcome to a very special collection of memes. I am an art student, believe it or not, and I can honestly say that the more time goes on as I study art, the more I hate it. My rose-colored glasses have come off and I see the art community …
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An Illustration of 36 Classical Art Memes That Paint Funnies in a Portrait

You are standing on a Persian rug that covers most of the dark, grey stone floor in the keep of your castle, peering out the window at your vast kingdom below. This fortified tower keeps you safe from your many enemies, and you can barely make out the little specks of guards standing in various …
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An Illustration of 31 Classical Art Memes That Paint Funnies in a Portrait

Artist’s block is one of those things that comes and goes without warning, and you have to find creative ways to deal with it. The longest I have ever gone with writer’s block (which is similar, just minus the painting) was probably about 4 years. Does that mean I did not write during those 4 …
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30 Weird Products and Fake Brands That Could Be a Hard Sell

The world of retail is a wild place. It’s in a constant state of second guessing what the mighty consumer might want to spend their hard-earned money on next, and it can take some rather large leaps of faith when it does that.  It’s no wonder that the genre of meme-worthy fake products is a …
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Revolutionary Thread Proposes Changes to Different Types of Annoying Grocery Packaging

Product design is one of those things that most of us don’t really think about until we don’t have a choice. When you’re doing your grocery shopping, there are a million and one things to consider before pondering why it is eggs come in a carton, or why that steak is vacuum wrapped.  However, the …
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