The Most Agonizing Instances of Cringe This Week (April 8, 2023)

Did you know that there are two different kinds of cringe: compassionate cringe and contemptuous cringe? Compassionate cringe is about laughing with somebody about a relatable embarrassing experience. Compassionate cringe might occur when you tell your friends about the time you asked out your crush in middle school or when you fell off your scooter …
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Awful Cringe That Simply Sucks

Some people need to be sat down and talked to. They are far past the point of «are you OK?» and veer dangerously into «please, just stop doing this» territory. There are as many reasons for us to do embarrassing things as there are stars in the sky, and that’s probably why many produce such …
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Twitter Users Share Their All-Time Favorite Deleted Tweets

It’s common to regret things we say from time to time, but making a mistake in a conversation or sending an embarrassing message in a group chat is nothing compared to the potential horror of posting something on the internet that you deeply regret later. Justine Sacco’s infamous tweet is a reminder that deleting a …
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The Most Agonizing Examples of Cringe This Week (April 1, 2023)

How fitting that this compilation of cringe falls on April Fool’s Day. It would be nice to think that all the different people acting embarrassing here were merely making some kind of tasteless joke, or engaging in some expert trolling. While this might be true of a minority, the likelihood is that most of them …
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The Most Agonizing Examples of Cringe This Week (March 25, 2023)

When you think about it, social media is almost entirely powered by cringe. Sure, we use it to keep up with friends and family, share innocent memes, and learn things, but the stuff that really keeps everybody hooked up to their internet pills is when other people publicize an insane opinion or reaction. Like it …
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A Bunch More Cringe Because People Just Don’t Stop Embarrassing Themselves

I dream the impossible dream that one day, we will never have to deal with the feeling of shame ever again. That when we are doing things that are just harmlessly embarrassing, we kill the part of us that cringes, not the part that is the cringe. We’ll be free to express ourselves as we …
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Embarrassing & Amusing Times People Were Confidently Incorrect

None of us are right all of the time, no matter how much we claim to be. This can be a painful experience, especially for those of us with an excess of pride. Nonetheless, it is an important lesson in life to be able to learn from our mistakes and admit when we are wrong.  …
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15+ Cringey Moments That Prove Cringe is Eternal

Nothing in this life is truly immortal. We all die eventually, and any legacy we leave inevitably fades over the passage of time. Even the most famous among us get resigned to history after a long enough period of time, but it’s a difficult thing for many of us to conceptualize. When we’re out here …
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The Most Agonizing Examples of Cringe This Week (March 11, 2023)

Here’s an awful thought: pretty much none of us have experienced our last embarrassing moment yet. Just when we get lulled into a false sense of security that we’re safe from cringing at ourselves, something is going to come along and make us so mortified that we’ll be ready to let the ground swallow us …
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Embarrassingly Cringey People Who Should Log Off Immediately

We definitely don’t need to tell you that the internet is full of cringe. As hard as you might try to look away, as long as you are online, the cringe will follow you. We may not be able to force those embarrassing people who consistently flaunt their worst qualities online to log off, but at …
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