‘This was always my song for my daughter’: The most touching comments left under songs on YouTube

Once upon a time, one of the most important pieces of wisdom about the internet was to never read the comments. Even the comment sections of the most anodyne of videos threatened to be home to the cesspit of humanity, or so we were told.  While there can be an element of truth to this …
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29 Family Memes That Don’t Fall Far From the Tree (April 28, 2024)

Kids are always bummed when their parents split up, but what if we framed it differently? Instead of thinking your parents are no longer in love, imagine that maybe someday you’ll be awarded two families instead of just one. You might have jaunty step-brothers who are your best friend and you’ll multiply the number of …
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The Best Heartwarmingly Wholesome Memes and Posts of the Week (April 25, 2024)

Being happy is not an effortless pursuit, especially in the world that we live in. When we’re in a bad place, it’s easy to look around at the people who seem to be breezing along without a care and think they just have it easy. That is likely not true on multiple counts: firstly, everybody …
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16-year-old graciously cooks his family’s nightly dinner, stops when his dad and siblings incessantly criticize his meals: ‘Too spicy, wanted rice instead of noodles, didn’t want soup’

There are some household duties that typically constitute a kid’s chores; cleaning your room, taking out the trash, and doing the dishes are chores kids of any age can do. Cooking dinner every night for your entire family is typically not one of them, but that was a chore assigned to a 16-year-old boy with …
Seguir leyendo 16-year-old graciously cooks his family’s nightly dinner, stops when his dad and siblings incessantly criticize his meals: ‘Too spicy, wanted rice instead of noodles, didn’t want soup’

The Best Heartwarmingly Wholesome Memes and Posts of the Week (April 18, 2024)

What does it mean for something to be wholesome? Some would suggest that the fact that this category exists at all is a measure of something being very wrong elsewhere, but others would argue that we shouldn’t think so hard and just enjoy anything that puts a guilt-free smile on our faces. The fact of …
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‘They asked me how I could be happy being adopted when I had real siblings?’: Adoptee meets biological siblings, gets criticized for not regretting being adopted

Every adoptee has a different experience. It’s easy to think of adoption as a universal good because it gives children consistent and healthy homes, but that’s not always the case. Adoption can be an exploitative industry. Mothers can be coerced into giving up their children against their will. Not all adoptive homes are safe, nurturing …
Seguir leyendo ‘They asked me how I could be happy being adopted when I had real siblings?’: Adoptee meets biological siblings, gets criticized for not regretting being adopted

Savvy Out-of-State Grandma Creates a YouTube Channel to Read Books to Her Grandchild From Afar

They say that it takes a village to raise a child–and for a lot of people, that village comes in the form of family members. For previous generations, it wasn’t uncommon for your entire ‘village’ to live in the same city, spending quality time with the kiddos and being there for all the major steps …
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‘[My family] is not a Chinese takeaway’: Dad gets revenge on a local Chinese restaurant after they refuse to take his family’s phone number off of their menus

Remember the good ol’ days before caller ID and before everyone had a cell phone? We all had landlines with a 20ft cord that left a trail to whomever was hogging the family phone. If your older sister wasn’t clogging up the line with gossipy phone calls, your landline phone was likely sitting on its …
Seguir leyendo ‘[My family] is not a Chinese takeaway’: Dad gets revenge on a local Chinese restaurant after they refuse to take his family’s phone number off of their menus

Cruel aunt messes with nephew’s new betta fish, receives ultimate ‘Godfather-style’ revenge: ‘That is some scorched earth kind of petty’

Fish are friends, not instruments in generational warfare. I’ve never owned a fish, but from what I hear, it’s like having any other type of pet. You get attached. They become like family. Sure, they’re tiny and you can’t pet them, but I’m sure they offer emotional support in their own special way. Like anything …
Seguir leyendo Cruel aunt messes with nephew’s new betta fish, receives ultimate ‘Godfather-style’ revenge: ‘That is some scorched earth kind of petty’

‘My uncles are infamous criminals…I thought they bred dogs’: 20 wild family secrets that finally came to light

Every family has its secrets. I have been finding out a lot of family secrets over the last couple of years, and by a lot, I mean 2. That probably doesn’t sound like a lot to you, but for a person who is always trying to figure stuff out about their family before they were …
Seguir leyendo ‘My uncles are infamous criminals…I thought they bred dogs’: 20 wild family secrets that finally came to light