25+ Workout Memes for People Avoiding The Gym (May 4, 2024)

Like John Mulaney once said, «It is so much easier not to do things than to do them, that you would do anything is totally remarkable.» This is especially true about going to the gym. It is infinitely easier to stay home from the gym than it is to go. If you’re even a little bit out …
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‘People who train to make sad head voice go away’: 25+ Exercise memes for fitness fiends

One of my favorite forms of exercise is walking. It’s practical, it’s fun, and you don’t need any special equipment to do it. If there’s an option for a subway or a car or a moderately long walk, odds are I’m taking the walk. It helps get me excited for whatever I’m on my way …
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‘How’s my form?’: 25+ Exercise memes for fitness fiends

Everyone has their preferred mode of exercise, and no one mode is superior to another. If you get your kicks by kickboxing, or if you get your reps in at the racetrack, or if you get sweaty the the soccer field (OK I’m all out of alliterations), all that matters is that you’re staying active …
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‘The time of jacked nerd is here’: Fitness bros clown Mark Zuckerberg for video doing leg presses

Perhaps the most widely made fun of person on the internet is Mark Zuckerberg. It’s only right, seeing as he helped pioneer the cruel internet as we know it today. You can’t make a website asking people to rank college girls and not expect to get made fun of in turn. What goes around, comes …
Seguir leyendo ‘The time of jacked nerd is here’: Fitness bros clown Mark Zuckerberg for video doing leg presses

‘My son after giving him a bottle of creatine’: 25+ exercise memes for fitness fiends

What’s with our desire to make our muscles as big as possible? Sure, there’s something evolutionary about wanting to be fast and fit so you can hunt better, but cavemen didn’t look like Mike Tyson. No, to my knowledge people didn’t get as huge as The Rock until the advent of gyms and protein powder. …
Seguir leyendo ‘My son after giving him a bottle of creatine’: 25+ exercise memes for fitness fiends

25+ Workout Memes for Fitness Enthusiasts (March 16, 2024)

Working out: it’s one of those building blocks of health that can’t be overlooked. Along with diet, friends, and environment, it’s one of the most important factors in determining how long you’re going to live. Oops, didn’t mean for that to be a memento mori! But it’s true– there’s so much we can do right …
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30 Gym Memes for Maximum Gains (February 17, 2024)

Working out can mean many things. For some, it means hitting the gym and lifting weights. For others, it’s rocking up to a Pilates studio and taking a class. For others, it’s sweating out your sins on the dance floor. And for a very special breed of people, your workout quotient is satisfied by getting …
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25+ Workout Memes for Maximum Gains (February 3, 2024)

Going to the gym every day can feel like Groundhog Day. You put on the same shoes, do the same workouts, at the same place, sipping the same Celsius. Of course, routine is important, especially for things like a workout regimen. You have to build habits in order to hold yourself accountable. But it can …
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26 Workout Memes for Newbies at the Gym Struggling to Keep Their New Year’s Resolutions

January 2nd is probably the busiest day of the year at the gym. Everyone’s just spent 3 months gorging themselves on holiday cookies, cocktails, and roast meats and we’re all frankly ashamed of the beastly human we’ve become. With only a few short winter months left where oversized coats and full-length leg wear are required, …
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25+ Workout Memes for Maximum Gains (December 30, 2023)

If you’re anything like me, your holiday season was a parade of decadence that you’re feeling the effects of now. All those trays of freshly baked cookies, mom’s roast, and Christmas cocktails. Delicious, but not exactly feel-good food. So here comes the ideations of healthy eating and wellness routines. But that can all be safely …
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