‘We put man on the moon before wheels on suitcases’: 20+ Surprising historical facts to make you question reality

As the old saying goes, «Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.» But sometimes the past is so hard to wrap your head around that you can’t fully integrate it into your understanding of reality. As they often say, truth is stranger than fiction. Nobody knows that better than historians. The fact that always gets me is that Martin Luther …
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25 Satisfying Facts for Parents to Share With Their Kids at Bedtime

You’re tucking your kids who are yabbering on excitedly into bed, the soft glow of their nightlight casting a warm ambiance across their cozy bedroom. They are super interested in cool facts about geography, animals, and even history. Smart little critters. The walls are adorned with posters of their favorite animals and space-themed decals twinkle …
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30 of the Funniest Shower Thoughts of the Month for Deep Thinkers (April 10, 2024)

What is it about the shower that helps you come up with off-the-wall, deep thoughts? Whatever it is, it’s working, because new thoughts keep getting thunk in showers all across the globe. But you have to make your shower a sanctuary. You can’t just expect the thoughts to come to you if you have an …
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33 Useless Fun Facts That Everyone Needs to Know

Everybody loves a good fun fact, even if it’s useless. Interesting and unique facts can be great conversation starters. Like one of my favorites: Did you know that bananas are actually berries? AND, strawberries are not berries? Fascinating, right? Useful? Not so much. But if you like discovering weird, fun, and random facts like this, …
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30 of the Funniest Shower Thoughts of the Month for Deep Thinkers (March 13, 2024)

The human mind is capable of incredible things. Some of us are out here curing diseases, building rockets, and writing great works of literature. The achievement of humanity is nothing to sneeze at. We’ve mapped the universe, figured out how gravity works, and even gone to the moon. But we are equally capable of being …
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‘Close doors buttons in elevators are placebos’: 20+ Hilarious low-stakes conspiracies that entertain and provoke

Conspiracy theories have deservedly gotten a bad rap. They shine, though, not when they’re about anything earth-shattering, but when they’re so stupid that they just might be true. Here’s one that I would think about in college: I was convinced that the coffee at one of the dining halls was secretly decaf. I would drink …
Seguir leyendo ‘Close doors buttons in elevators are placebos’: 20+ Hilarious low-stakes conspiracies that entertain and provoke

‘Bats are not, in fact, blind’: 20+ Obvious things it took some folks a while to learn

As smart as humans usually are, we have to admit sometimes our rat brains get the best of us. We can go around studying particle physics, saving lives, and creating complex pieces of art, but sometimes it takes us 30 years to figure out that it’s «for all intents and purposes» and not «for all …
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30+ of the Funniest Shower Thoughts of the Month for Deep Thinkers (February 13, 2024)

As Natasha Bedingfield once said, «Feel the rain on your skin, no one else can feel it for you, only you can let it in.» Yes, she said rain, but she could have been talking about the «rain» that emanates from our shower heads. Only we can feel it for us. We have to let …
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29 Fascinating Posts From the Underbelly of Wikipedia

As I’ve said here before, if I could only keep one website on the internet, it would be Wikipedia. In fact, maybe I’d be okay with wiping the internet and starting over with just Wikipedia. No more social media, no more harmful content, just a wholesome fountain of information that never has ads and is …
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‘Barilla Pasta has a Spotify’: 20+ Surprising Product Hacks Most People Haven’t Figured Out

I’m all for a life hack, in the old internet sense of the term. I love optimizing a routine. I’ll get my keys out minutes before I reach my front door just so everything goes faster. When someone pointed out that you can use clear nail polish to stop a run in your tights, I …
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