‘Sharks existed before Saturn’s rings did’: 20+ Wild fun facts that sound fake

Like many young city dwellers, I’m a big fan of bar trivia. Probably stemming from my long-held desire to be on Jeopardy (but lack of actual knowledge necessary), I find great pleasure in getting together with a group of friends, having a beer, and trying my darndest to get as many questions right as possible. …
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‘Create a routine for before exercise’: Time-saving life hacks from titans of optimization

I’m all about optimization and efficiency. If there’s something to be done, I want it done in the quickest and most effective manner possible. When it comes to washing my hair, I have an exact routine, down to the hand motions. It feels like a choreographed dance and it gets the job done every time. …
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‘We only use 10% of our brain’: 20+ Old wives tales that folks still believe

Before the internet, the only way you would possess information was if someone you knew told it to you, or you read it in a book somewhere. It was hard to fact-check something, so you generally accepted what your parents/elders told you, no matter how valid it actually was. Community knowledge is important. We lean …
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30 Funny and True Shower Thoughts for Deep Thinkers

Remember the shower orange trend? You’d take a cold orange with you into a hot shower and eat it while the water streamed down your body. Something about the scent mixed with the steam and the freedom of letting juice dribble without consequence enchanted internet users the world over. There’s even a whole subreddit dedicated …
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27 Hilarious Instances of Community Notes Debunking Misinformed Tweets

There’s something so vindicating about the community notes section on Twitter, when it’s used right. Watching misinformation get taken down in one fell swoop by wise commenters is like popping an extra juicy pimple. Sorry for that image, but the simile stands. Twitter, (we’re not calling it X) a website famous for hawking wrong info, …
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27 Strange and Silly Excerpts From the Depths of Wikipedia

Wikipedia is probably my favorite website of all time. It’s a wholesome, comprehensive, streamlined yet expansive resource for all the most and least useful information out there. You can study up on anything from ancient Roman history to Instagram Egg. To me, it’s the epitome of the internet’s purpose: millions of folks coming together to …
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Facts Redditors Were Taught in Grade School That Turned out to Be Utter Phooey

Information is ever-evolving. That’s why there are new editions of textbooks, up-to-date encyclopedias, and good folks working tirelessly to constantly update Wikipedia pages (I’m NOT looking at you, Wiki-vandals). We’re always learning new things, observing new phenomena, and doing new research. They used to teach that Pluto was a planet. I’m still salty about that …
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20 Weird Fun Facts for Inquiring Minds

Have you ever been in a group setting where someone asks everyone to «go around and share a fun fact about themselves?» I have, and every time I hear those words it sends a shiver of panic down my spine. A fun fact? About myself? The pressure to be funny, humble, surprising, but not too …
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Linguists Share Cool Facts About Languages That They Speak

Being able to read, write, and speak remains one of the greatest achievements human beings have ever had. We’d be nowhere without our communication skills, and indeed our failure to use them properly causes many of the world’s problems.  What’s even crazier is how many languages we have developed over thousands of years, and all …
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People Share Niche Facts They Can’t Help Sprinkling Into Unrelated Conversations

Everybody has at least one «fun fact» that they hold dear. It might’ve been something you learned during childhood or a weird true story you picked up in a college course. The fact I’m currently passionate about has to do with life expectancy throughout time. It’s come to my attention that a large portion of …
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