Nature Memes for Explorers and Foragers Who Spend Every Weekend Hiking

Like a lot of people, I could write a very long list of all the things wrong with the world today and one of them has to be the fact that many of us are completely disconnected from nature. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a city slicker myself, but it is good for everybody to …
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The Most Entertaining Reddit Posts of the Week (June 14, 2024)

There are many different parts to Reddit that make it such a great platform. The information it has is a lot better indexed than many other forms of social media, and it covers just about any topic under the sun. It’s full of people who think they all know best, leading to some interesting advice …
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25+ Midwest Memes for Nice Folks Who Say Ope (June 14, 2024)

Nothing like summer in the Midwest. The corn is on the grill, the brats are on the grill, and the burgers are… on the grill. It’s grilling season, guys. There’s nothing that kicks a Midwest dad into gear more than the opportunity to stand in front of the grill (in a wide stance for maximum …
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31 Memes That Provide That Sprinkle Sprinkle

I don’t think that it’s that much of a stretch to say that deep down, most of us just want to be taken care of. Feeling loved, safe, and like somebody’s got our back is usually a human priority, but unfortunately, a lot of us are very bad at finding it and if we’re not …
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29 Gen X Memes for 80’s Kids Raised on Hose Water (June 13, 2024)

I’m a wooden spoon, lead paint, no helmet, garden hose drinkin’, Gen X survivor. Gen Xers lived through some of the most gregarious things and what do we have to show for it? Battle scars, a bunk knee, and everlasting toughness that’ll surpass any kid these days. We fell from the highest slides and got …
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The Best Heartwarmingly Wholesome Memes and Posts of the Week (June 13, 2024)

Even when we’re doing a pretty good job of making our way through life, there are almost always ways in which it could be a little better. However, the common things that people wish for when they don’t have them— love, wealth, a family, creative fulfillment—don’t usually happen overnight. This means that if we want …
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38 Memes Worth Considering

Sometimes you can’t trust a first impression. They say to trust your gut, and I wouldn’t tell you not to, but sometimes first impressions are like the first pancake. Not quite right. Think back on the first time you met one of your good friends. You probably had no idea that you’d become besties the …
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25 Former Employees Share Shocking Industry Secrets: ‘Job requirements are more of a wish-list situation’

When you work in an industry for a while, you’re likely to learn some insider knowledge that the rest of the workforce probably doesn’t know about. Whether you work in the service industry, sales, marketing, or anything else, there’s a lot of little interesting tidbits of info that’s fun to share with your friends. Like, …
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A Mouthful of Hilarious Cooking Memes for Amateur Chefs (June 12, 2024)

Despite the many differences between people all over the world, we do have one thing in common: we’ve all gotta eat one way or another. You would think this would make everybody take an interest in knowing their way around the kitchen, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Not everybody gets past the …
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Funniest Cat Memes for Feline Fanatics (June 12, 2024)

Can you believe that the memetic fame of the original I Can Has Cheezburger cat is over twenty years old? It feels like both a lifetime (which I guess it can be, for a cat) and also like it happened just yesterday. Since then, cat memes have basically become a grand tradition of the internet, …
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