Fresh Memes For Fresh Eyes

How many memes have passed by your eyes? It’s truly impossible to know how many memes we’ve seen, read, chuckled at, sent to our loved ones, and so on. I know because when I ask people their favorite meme, they freeze up and have nothing to say, despite having an average phone screen time of …
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30+ Memes for a Warm and Pleasant June Day

I admit, it’s my favorite month. June just always has a good feeling to it. Perhaps it’s because it’s the Friday of the Summer. It’s full of anticipation and planning for the season that is classically the most fun. It holds so much possibility at its fingertips. The world is gentle and welcoming. The warm …
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A Healthy Meal of 27 Memes to Fill Your Energy for the Weekend

This work week has felt like a never-ending marathon. Like how it feels when you run in a dream and you feel slow, and you can never manage to reach your destination. But finally, somehow we got through it and reached our final destination – the weekend.  I know that the weekend will be gone …
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Quirky girlfriend’s weird popcorn eating habit pushes boyfriend to the edge: ‘She was utterly incapable of eating popcorn in any other way’

Everybody wants a quirky girl until they start frogging their popcorn. Shows like New Girl and Gilmore Girls have propped up the idiosyncratic «quirky girl» as the epitome of femininity. They’re cute, they’re funny, they act like children sometimes. There are so many layers to this trope that I don’t have time to get into …
Seguir leyendo Quirky girlfriend’s weird popcorn eating habit pushes boyfriend to the edge: ‘She was utterly incapable of eating popcorn in any other way’

34 Memes for People With Taste

Taste is of course, subjective. But when you have it you have it. And when you see someone who has it, you know they have it. It’s hard to define outside of «things that you like,» but I think there’s a difference between preference and taste. A person with taste can recognize something good, even …
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35+ Memes for People Avoiding The Gym (June 8, 2024)

The sun is heating up, beach trips are being made, and the time to unveil your «summer body» is finally upon us. I don’t believe in the concept of summer bodies. Whatever body you have in the summer… that’s your summer body. But I understand the urge to be proud of whatever you’re showing off …
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28 Hilarious Construction Worker Memes to Brighten Up Your 4am Weekend Wake-up Call (June 8, 2024)

There is no one more proud of the work they do than a tradesman. Sure, They spend eight hours grumbling about leaky pipes and stubborn beams, but once they finish a job, it’s nothing but pride. Suddenly, every car ride becomes a «scenic detour» to pass that house they «whipped up from scratch» (while definitely …
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40 of the Freshest and Funniest Tweets of the Week (June 8, 2024)

The way the language of social media has penetrated our everyday lexicon is astounding. We take it for granted that the word «tweet» has taken on a completely different meaning than it once did. One upon a midnight dreary, tweet was only the sound that a small bird would make. It was one of our …
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30 Memes For Saturday Morning Entertainment

Happy Saturday! It’s officially the second weekend in June, and the world is quite literally your oyster. I know that no matter where you live, there is some fun summer excursion that you can attend today or tomorrow. I, for one, will be attending a movie matinee and a WNBA game because, for me, that’s …
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24 Best Parenting Memes for Witty Moms and Dads Laughing and Parenting the Best They Can All Week (June 8, 2024)

This is your sign to call the babysitter.