‘Finish him’: 31 Nostalgic game catchphrases that live rent-free in your memory

If you’re anything like me, you struggle to remember where you put your keys, if you left the oven on, and where your second shoe is, but when it comes to recalling taglines and quotes from movies, music, or games, you’re an almanac of infinite knowledge. Cursed by selective memory, many gamers have grown up …
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25+ of the Best Dungeons and Dragons Memes of the Week (March 8, 2024)

This year marks the 50-year anniversary of the invention of Dungeons and Dragons. That’s crazy to think about. Why does it still feel like a young person’s game? A lot of the dorks (a term I use with the utmost love) who first played it back in 1976 are probably grandparents by now. Doesn’t that …
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25+ of the Best Gaming Memes of the Week (March 6, 2024)

Playing a good game can feel like opening a portal to another dimension. Much like reading a page-turning novel or getting lost in a delicious film, adventuring your way through a well-thought-out game can be a completely immersive experience. But some games leave more to the imagination than others.  Some games put you right in …
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30 of the Best Dungeons and Dragons Memes of the Week (March 1, 2024)

Have you ever tried to explain DnD to a layperson and they hit you with «Oh, it’s like a board game?» Calling DnD a board game is like trying to catch a cloud and pin it down. It doesn’t capture the expansiveness of the universe, the limitlessness of the gameplay, not to mention the lack …
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25+ of the Best Minecraft Memes of the Month (February 29, 2024)

I’m a huge fan of sandbox games, of which Minecraft is the undisputed king. I love the space, time, creativity, and freedom you get to do whatever the heck you want. With story games, the whole point is to get locked into a narrative and be on a straight and narrow path. It almost feels …
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25+ of the Best Gaming Memes of the Week (February 28, 2024)

How come there’s so little overlap between game shows and video games? Save that Family Feud Wii game I had when I was in elementary school, the games that we love on TV have very little to do with the games that we play at home. I wish I could play Match Game at home …
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20+ Wii Sport Memes For Nostalgic Gamers Craving a Game of Tennis

The mid-2000s seem like a different world nowadays. Flip phones were still in widespread use, skinny jeans were just starting to become fashionable again, and the financial crisis hadn’t come along to wipe out all of our hopes and dreams yet.  This was the environment into which Nintendo released the Wii, the console that was …
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30 of the Best Dungeons and Dragons Memes of the Week (February 23, 2024)

How did dragons become such a part of the lore of so many cultures throughout time, so much so that some folks don’t quite know that they’re not real? Who first came up with the idea of a dragon? A quick Wikipedia search yields this:  «Draconic creatures are first described in the mythologies of the ancient Near …
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25+ of the Best Gaming Memes of the Week (February 21, 2024)

Wazzup fellow gamers. It’s a beautiful Wednesday morning. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and I’ve already lost a few decades-long friendships because I’m «Too good at Mario Kart» and I should «Really let other people win every once in a while.» Good riddance, is what I say. You wouldn’t say that to …
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30 of the Best Dungeons and Dragons Memes of the Week (February 16, 2024)

February is the perfect month for Dungeons and Dragons, in my humble opinion. It’s cold and dark and we’re prone to spending hours and hours at home. Might as well spend those dark, cold, hours warming ourselves by the fires of imagination. DnD is a great game for many reasons, and one of them is …
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