A Denim Jacket Pocket Full of Lighthearted Memes for Pleasant Light-Jacket Weather

The weather’s getting nicer and the memes are blooming. 

Spread Your Bread With 30 Sweet and Silly Memes

No matter when it comes, when the first day of spring arrives, it always improves my mood and I feel like it is going to be an awesome day. I am not talking about the official calendar ‘first day of the spring’, but I am talking about the day when it is actually hot outside, …
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A Festive Stocking Full of 30 Memes to Scroll Your Way to the North Pole

This year on Christmas I decided for some unknown reason to invite both my family and my husband’s family for a festive dinner. I’m talking about 20-something people who are going to be squeezed inside my tiny New York apartment for the entire evening. So Christmas is a couple of weeks away and I am …
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33 Top ‘Golden Girls’ Memes to Share Around a Cheesecake with Your Besties

Sure, this is a page that’s going to provide you with some of the internet’s best Golden Girls memes, but it’s so much more. Let me tell you a little story: A few years ago, I lost a pet. Anybody who has ever had to face this kind of tragedy knows the immense grief it …
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34 Pick-Me-Up Memes to Turn that Frown Upside Down

Feeling a little sluggish these days? It’s that time of the year where you’re either hit by hay fever, a cold due to the change in temperature, or just feeling sleep from the sun setting earlier. So you need a little bit of a stronger pick-me-up. The coffee just ain’t cutting it right now. So …
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25 Wholesome Memes to Cozy Up Your Soul Like a Warm and Fuzzy Blanket

Hey there, meme enthusiasts! As we kickstart another week filled with the usual grind, it’s easy to get overwhelmed in the hustle and bustle. So, let’s discuss something that’s akin to a warm, fuzzy blanket for your soul on the internet – wholesome memes.  In a sea of snark and chaos, these gems are like …
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30+ of the Purest Wholesome Memes that Should Be Protected at All Costs

Life sux. It did when you were etching that into you high school desk and it still does now. But that’s just a passing feeling. Because, just like high school, you also had some great moments too. It’s called balance, and everything in life needs it. You can’t see light without the dark. So yes, …
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32 Positive Memes For Wholesome Happy-Go-Lucky Optimists

There’s a lot of negative meme content out in the world. So many memes are made every day dedicated to the idea that life sucks, work sucks, and the world is a generally lousy place. While that might be true, it’s so much more fun to live in a state of delusional optimism, unphased by …
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The Best Heartwarmingly Wholesome Memes and Posts of the Week (July 13, 2023)

It feels good to feel good. In a way, this should be the most self-evident piece of advice we can ever take, but so many of us just don’t get it. We find it all too easy to get preoccupied with the numerous pointless pressures in life.  This makes us forget the main purpose of …
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Wholesome Memes and Some Happy Things For People Who Need Good Vibes

Ever find yourself sitting around, thinking about life and feeling like it’s pointless? Perhaps it feels like a thankless charade in which your sole purpose is to benefit «the man,» make rich people richer and suffer in your shoebox apartment. Perhaps all of your loved ones are gone, and you’re feeling lonely. Maybe work just …
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