Suspicious Instances Where People Definitely Knew What They Were Doing

An awful lot of being alive involves reading between the lines. People don’t always say exactly what they mean, and events don’t always happen like we expect them to. Also, there are a lot of examples out there of things that could be pretty crass, depending on how you look at it. Often the subtext …
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Wellness Influencer Shares Wedding Themed ‘What I Eat in a Day’ Video, Sparks Debate About Her Diet

For many couples that get married, the appeal of a wedding isn’t just the celebration of their relationship. It’s also the fact that they get a whole day where everything is about them and their preferences. The fairytale of the perfect wedding has launched countless bride and groomzillas in its time, but the problems don’t …
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Cringey Examples of Cringeworthy Things to Cringe At

We can try to ignore it all we like, but to be human is to cringe. While we might all be driven by simple, biological impulses deep down, it’s that cursed level of self-awareness that allows us all to be as we are.  However, we’re constantly learning the hard way that we all operate on …
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The Most Unhinged Garbage That People Tried to Sell on the Internet

To not put too fine a point on it, this world is full of a heck of a lot of manmade crap. Inevitably, most of this ends up in landfills eventually. Before that, though, we all get the privilege of gazing upon the range of horrors that our fellow man has decided to bring into …
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Woman’s Deranged ‘Water of the Day’ Recipe Prompts Horror From Twitter

I have a sweet tooth, but I can’t deny that no beverage hits the spot quite like pure H2O. I wasn’t great at keeping hydrated when I was a child, but I grew into getting my daily requirement most days. In adulthood, I’ve never understood those people who seemingly can’t deal with the stuff as …
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Awful Cringe Straight From the Bowels of the Internet

Considering that we’re meant to be the most intelligent species on this planet, we sure don’t act like it a lot of the time. It might be proof of our intelligence that we’re capable of having such strong feelings of embarrassment, but we should not be getting it activated by other people or ourselves so …
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The Most Entertaining Takes From TikTok This Week (March 23, 2023)

As the USA continues to flirt with the idea of a TikTok ban, perhaps it’s appropriate to think about what it will be remembered for in the years to come. We have no choice but to acknowledge its ability to produce the very highest caliber of cringe, and its magical ability to get Gen Z …
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Wildest Posts From the Depths of Facebook (March 12, 2023)

Authenticity isn’t something that is valued on many social media platforms. These days, Facebook is probably the closest we come to a true, unbridled look at the personalities of people that we know (and strangers who go viral).  There’s something about the touch of the Zuck that makes a certain proportion of the population bare …
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The Most Agonizing Examples of Cringe This Week (March 11, 2023)

Here’s an awful thought: pretty much none of us have experienced our last embarrassing moment yet. Just when we get lulled into a false sense of security that we’re safe from cringing at ourselves, something is going to come along and make us so mortified that we’ll be ready to let the ground swallow us …
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Dumb and Dubious Posts About Things That Definitely Happened

We all lie sometimes. When we have the opportunity to make ourselves look more interesting by stretching the truth, we may as well take it (and deal with the consequences later). The human circus that is the internet has only worsened our tendency to fib, and made it a thousand times more attention seeking, too. …
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