26-year-old daughter gets 2 years free rent and spends money on home improvements, retaliates when mom moves to sell the house for ‘mental health reasons’: ‘Family first’

There’s the old saying «There’s no such thing as a free lunch.» It’s based on the economic principle that even if someone else pays for your lunch, you’re paying with the time spent having lunch. It’s a surprising but sound concept. There’s always a hidden cost to things that might appear to come free.  This is especially true when you start involving family, like the TV show Gilmore Girls aptly illustrated. Your rich parents might pay for …
Seguir leyendo 26-year-old daughter gets 2 years free rent and spends money on home improvements, retaliates when mom moves to sell the house for ‘mental health reasons’: ‘Family first’

‘They want her to pay $45,000 [for repairs]’: Clueless renter facing exorbitant repair fees after destroying the apartment with 1 can of chicken soup

When I went through high school, we didn’t have Home Economics as a required class. Apparently, kitchen etiquette, doing your taxes, and keeping the house under control weren’t things that the public school system still valued, so lo-and-behold, an entire generation went without baking cakes for a final grade. However, the Gen X woman in …
Seguir leyendo ‘They want her to pay $45,000 [for repairs]’: Clueless renter facing exorbitant repair fees after destroying the apartment with 1 can of chicken soup

Man lives in his sister’s house cheaply for 15 years, refuses to leave after being given a 1-year notice: ‘I had no choice but apply for a court order to evict them’

We have one of those family members who, when given an inch, takes a mile. It’s natural to want to help your kin in their times of need or in your time of bounty, but it isn’t easy to maintain boundaries once you’ve already offered endless assistance. If you let your sister and her husband …
Seguir leyendo Man lives in his sister’s house cheaply for 15 years, refuses to leave after being given a 1-year notice: ‘I had no choice but apply for a court order to evict them’

Shady landlord wants to park RV on tenant’s property, won’t take no for an answer: ‘He wants to rent the property and have it too’

If there’s one thing about landlords it’s this: they will attempt to get away with whatever they can. Because they often have nothing to lose. It’s much easier for them to deal with complaints as they arise rather than trying to get ahead of anything that might go wrong. They hold all the power, and …
Seguir leyendo Shady landlord wants to park RV on tenant’s property, won’t take no for an answer: ‘He wants to rent the property and have it too’

‘Time to move, I guess’: Careless landlord empties tenant’s fridge, leaving everything to spoil

Your fridge is your sanctuary. It’s where you keep your most precious memories (leftovers) and where you plan your most ambitious visions for the future (fresh produce). The state of my fridge reflects the state of my mind. Sometimes it is full of possibility– zucchini waiting to be sauteed, eggs ready to be fried. It’s …
Seguir leyendo ‘Time to move, I guess’: Careless landlord empties tenant’s fridge, leaving everything to spoil

‘They need their 25-year-old to subsidize their lifestyle’: Mom charges son $600 in rent, retaliates when he wants to move out

Living with your parents when you’re an adult is a tough gig. It’s nice to have a free (or usually cheap) place to land, but it often comes at a price. You usually forgo your privacy, independence, and some level of maturity. But it’s a tradeoff. Rent is incredibly expensive these days, no matter where …
Seguir leyendo ‘They need their 25-year-old to subsidize their lifestyle’: Mom charges son $600 in rent, retaliates when he wants to move out

‘Wow, that’s awkward’: Sketchy landlord wants to use tenant’s pool on weekends

I’ve never been lucky enough to have my own pool, few are. I’d love to one day and feel the luxury of swimming whenever the heck I want. Imagine, taking a dip at 3 AM all by your lonesome just because you feel like it. That’s the highest realm of living I could imagine. And …
Seguir leyendo ‘Wow, that’s awkward’: Sketchy landlord wants to use tenant’s pool on weekends

Controlling Landlord Forces Tenant to do Laundry at The Same Time Every Week

I’m so lucky I’ve only had two landlords in my life, and they haven’t given me much grief. The first was a big, impersonal company that provided off-campus housing for students. The other is my current landlord, who sent over a guy with a can of Raid when we told him we had bugs. Neither …
Seguir leyendo Controlling Landlord Forces Tenant to do Laundry at The Same Time Every Week

Greedy House Flipper Gets Called Out For Maddening Price Increase After House Renovation

Reason 1035346 of why living in the so-called developed world isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be: the housing crisis is both real and audacious. For an increasing number of people, the dream of owning a home may not become a reality thanks to the ridiculous prices in many places.  There are a number …
Seguir leyendo Greedy House Flipper Gets Called Out For Maddening Price Increase After House Renovation

Clueless Guy ‘Debunks’ Housing Shortage Because a Home in Rural North Dakota Costs $15K

Complaining about high living costs in cities always inspires the same response: «Well, you could always live in a horrible place!» When millennials bemoan that they probably will never be able to afford a home, some genius always tells them, «You could afford to buy a home if you just bought the worst home in …
Seguir leyendo Clueless Guy ‘Debunks’ Housing Shortage Because a Home in Rural North Dakota Costs $15K