‘She told him sharply to go sit down’: Server Disciplines Customer’s Child, Parents Demand to Speak to Manager

For crying out loud, if you bring your kids to a restaurant, don’t let them treat it like a playground. Waiting tables is a lot harder if you have a little one running beneath your feet, not to mention it’s actually really dangerous, as servers are running around with hot plates in their hands. If …
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‘I’m sensing we grew up in different tax brackets’: Entitled woman enrages internet after asking her date to ‘film all of his icks’

As the official job interviews of love, first impressions are a vital part of going on a date. Many who are eager to impress somebody try to be on their best behavior. This isn’t the same for everybody, though—some daters subscribe to the school of thought that you should let it all hang out as …
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‘Giving any sort of unsolicited advice’: 20+ disrespectful things that people don’t realize are bad

Everybody has been impolite at some point in their lives. Contrary to what some would like to think, we do not all pop out of the womb pre-programmed to understand every single social rule and expectation that will get placed on us throughout our existence. Still! So long as we have the mental capacity, it’s …
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‘It’s not a money thing, but it’s the principle of it’: Non-drinker starts beef with host over oddly specific drink request

Hosting a party can be a barrel of fun. It can also be immensely stressful. You’re in charge of everyone else having a good time, which can be a lot of emotional weight to take on. You want everyone to be stimulated, chatting, dancing (if it’s that kind of party), and perhaps most importantly, satiated …
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‘Bluetooth headphones are $10 now’: Frustrated commuters accuse people who use speaker phone in public of ‘anti social behavior’

Living in a big city, you encounter all sorts of people displaying all sorts of behavior of which you may or may not approve. Every day on my commute, I see breaches of the social contract. People forcing their way onto the train before others have de-boarded, dudes taking up way too much room because …
Seguir leyendo ‘Bluetooth headphones are $10 now’: Frustrated commuters accuse people who use speaker phone in public of ‘anti social behavior’

A Wooden Table Set With 40 Memes Instead of Manners

My parents were the type of people to send you off to manners school if you forgot to say ‘please’. I once had a fork for everything. A fork for salad, a fork for the main dish, and a fork for dessert. I was informed that no good, self-respecting company would accept me as an …
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Entitled Gen Z Introverts Get Judged for Complaining About Talking to Retail Workers

I have always been and always will be a natural hermit. I very much enjoy being alone, and I am not the kind of person who would strike up a conversation with a stranger for the sake of it. However, I also recognize a couple of important disclaimers: first of all, not everybody is like …
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A Wooden Table Set With 45+ Memes Instead of Manners

Back when you were a kid, did you ever stare down at your plastic plate filled to the edges with an assortment of colorful vegetables, then grumble something about not wanting to eat them, and get told off for being rude? Two seconds later, one of your parents jabbers on about sending you to manners …
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Disgruntled Redditors Provide Examples of Things People Do When They Aren’t Raised Right

I truly believe it’s important to try and see the best in others, even if it isn’t always obvious. At the same time, there’s a certain low bar that we should all be jumping over once we’ve reached adulthood, and felt a couple of the hard knocks of life.  This usually involves simple things, like …
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People Ponder Behavior That Will Make Them Immediately Judge a Stranger

There are a lot of actions that people commit within our society that defy unspoken common etiquette. Well, not even unspoken, sometimes people just refuse to abide by established etiquette. I’m no saint, but I try to be as respectful and decent to the individuals around me as possible. You definitely have a few specific …
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