Presumptuous man gets roasted for claiming that other men only have hobbies to impress women: ‘Explain Warhammer 40K’

Be honest, who among us hasn’t taken up a hobby or decided to like something new in the hopes of impressing a crush? It’s no secret that having a common interest is a great starting point for relationships. However, it’s also not the only reason that we find things to do with our spare time. …
Seguir leyendo Presumptuous man gets roasted for claiming that other men only have hobbies to impress women: ‘Explain Warhammer 40K’

The Best Bear vs. Man Memes for Women Who Know Who They Would Rather Be Hiking in the Woods With

If you are (or were) a woman, would you rather be lost in the woods near a bear, or a man who you didn’t know? In case you have been living under a particularly offline rock, this simple question has been dominating social media over the past couple of weeks or so. The reason is …
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‘Paying $10k to go through a regular day of football practice’: Alpha male bootcamp gets clowned on by Twitter

Men’s mental health is one of those annoying issues where it’s obvious that society has a big problem with it, but very few seem to know how to solve it. These days it is usually more frowned upon to tell a dude to ‘man up’ if he’s expressing vulnerable emotions, but in some ways, it …
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Boneheaded dude claims all women look bad in baggy jeans, uses cousin as an example: ‘And tagged them in the post’

There’s nothing women love more than random men on the internet telling them they disapprove of what they’re doing. Especially what they’re wearing. It’s a long-held truth that the unprompted opinions of loser-y guys on Facebook dictate trends in women’s fashion. It’s how Coco Chanel invented the little black dress. Some guy wrote a column …
Seguir leyendo Boneheaded dude claims all women look bad in baggy jeans, uses cousin as an example: ‘And tagged them in the post’

‘I’m sensing we grew up in different tax brackets’: Entitled woman enrages internet after asking her date to ‘film all of his icks’

As the official job interviews of love, first impressions are a vital part of going on a date. Many who are eager to impress somebody try to be on their best behavior. This isn’t the same for everybody, though—some daters subscribe to the school of thought that you should let it all hang out as …
Seguir leyendo ‘I’m sensing we grew up in different tax brackets’: Entitled woman enrages internet after asking her date to ‘film all of his icks’

‘They must have an inventory menu’: Stuff havers theorize about why men don’t carry purses

I have to say that I love carrying a purse. Keeping all my belongings in my pockets (when I’m wearing an outfit that has them) is simply too much a stressful enterprise for a paranoid individual such as myself. I’m also a notorious over-packer, and I like to have something for every situation on my …
Seguir leyendo ‘They must have an inventory menu’: Stuff havers theorize about why men don’t carry purses

Dude Refuses To Tell Woman His Real Name, Doesn’t Understand Why She Rejects Him

There are several important questions you should ask somebody before you go on a first date. You want to suss out a potential partner’s hobbies, values, and career before deciding to spend a precious hour or two with them. In my humble opinion, the most important question of all is, «What is your name?» If …
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‘Is she a spy giving tips to other spies?’: Cautious TikToker demonstrates cruise safety tips, sparks debate about travel safety

When does an attempt to assure your safety tip over into paranoia? It’s a thorny question by anybody’s standards. It’s always wise to have your wits about you in an unusual environment, especially if you’re a woman. At the same time, there can be a thin line between taking lifesaving precautions and doing something that …
Seguir leyendo ‘Is she a spy giving tips to other spies?’: Cautious TikToker demonstrates cruise safety tips, sparks debate about travel safety

‘Dating in this generation is a nightmare’: Player gets dragged for proposing ‘exclusive friends with benefits’ relationship

One day, sometime in a hopeful distant future, people will stop posting about the miserable love-related trenches in which they find themselves. Today is not that day, as we are presented with yet another example of why it’s hard to blame many of those who forgo romantic relationships altogether. Without further ado, I humbly present …
Seguir leyendo ‘Dating in this generation is a nightmare’: Player gets dragged for proposing ‘exclusive friends with benefits’ relationship