‘This one is 2 days old’: Woman called in to minimum wage job on Mother’s Day 48 hours after giving birth

Mother’s Day was this Sunday, and it allowed all of us to take some time to thank the mamas in our lives. And for good reason. Moms do so much unrecognized labor it would count as a more than full-time job if you were measuring it that way. And all for free. So the least …
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A Spring Break Survival Kit of 36 Memes for Moms and Dads Just Trying to Make it Through the Week

After 8+ hours of glitter and water balloons, gentle parenting goes right out the window. With frazzled hair and 30 minutes of sleep, parents are starting to wonder what happened. Welcome to spring break, babyyy! We’ve grown accustomed to a day without the kiddos, bowing at the feet of our kid’s teacher for taking them …
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A Minivan Full of 32 Mommy Memes for Spicy Moms Who Need a Good Laugh

It’s the cutest thing in the world when your baby says their first word, but experienced moms know that this adorableness is a double-edged sword. While your baby sweetly calls for ‘mommy’, they’re brewing their first clap-backs, petty demands, and counterarguments. If they’re anything like their spicy mama, they’ve got a mouth that’s bred for …
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20+ Funny Parenting Tweets of the Week (December 14, 2023)

I know my parents are grateful I didn’t grow up in the era of «Elf On a Shelf.» Just based on the amount of memes bemoaning this modern Christmas tradition, it’s clear that it’s the new scourge of the holiday season. Back in my day, we just glued some popsicle sticks together to make snowflakes, …
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32 Honest Memes for Down-to-Earth Parents Who Admit This is Harder Than They Thought

When dad said, «It’s not like we got an instruction manual when you were born!», it seemed like a silly quip. But now, as new parents stare at that adorable, cherubic baby, they can’t help but wonder how helpful it would be to actually have a baby guide. Parenting is tough. And now we’re haunted by that …
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35 Mommy Memes for Burnt Out Parents Looking Forward to the End of Summer

Summertime is a magical time of year where kids enjoy the purest pleasures known to man. They don’t have to go to school, they can swim in the pool, and the sun is out so late that they can ride their bike with the neighborhood kids until dinnertime. Because summer is so spectacular for the …
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20+ Witty Parenting Memes for Moms and Dads Who Are Parenting the Best They Can Parent (August 12, 2023)

Growing up, my mom and dad had the most perfectly meme-able dynamic. Memes were still a new thing when I was a kid, but dang, I really should’ve been making memes from their interactions. At the time I just thought we had a fun and quirky family, now that I’m older I realize that my …
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15 Best Parenting Memes for Moms and Dads Who Are Just Parenting the Best They Can Parent (July 14, 2023)

Parenting is easy! Said no one ever. Sure, it is satisfying, valiant, and leaves your heart bursting with love, but like… At what cost?? Parents can’t even answer that question. You get terrorized by these little mini mes every second of their waking hour and yet you can’t help but love them more than anything …
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A Tasty Snackies Break of Memes for Parents Parenting the Best They Can

Isn’t it fun to watch your kid throw half of their meal on the floor, knowing 5 minutes after the meal they’re gonna ask you for a snack? It’s just the little things these little gremlins do that truly make us smile with that little twitch of exhaustion. It’s just how parenting goes. You love …
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The Best Memes for Parents Parenting the Best They Can

Sometimes, part of being a good parent, is putting your kids to bed early and taking a moment for yourself to doom scroll some memes. Memes are an integral part of parenting these days. More and more millennials are becoming parents and memes help them kept their sanity while they take on the very scary …
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