‘You need to move’: Freelancer Refuses to Give Up Comfy Seat in Coffee Shop After Being Asked to Move

Coffee shops are the perfect place to relax, work, or meet up with friends, and although there is some debate regarding whether it’s socially acceptable for people to sit down for hours on their laptop while drinking a singular coffee for 5 bucks, coffee shops allow it. This person had just moved into a new …
Seguir leyendo ‘You need to move’: Freelancer Refuses to Give Up Comfy Seat in Coffee Shop After Being Asked to Move

‘Tell them to train the dog’: Karen neighbor blames barking dog on neighbor’s cats sitting in the window

It’s important to have a good relationship with your neighbors because you never know when you may need them. You might be making a blueberry pie and need a cup of sugar and all the grocery stores in your neighborhood are closed for some reason. You might get locked out of your house with no phone and need a friendly door to …
Seguir leyendo ‘Tell them to train the dog’: Karen neighbor blames barking dog on neighbor’s cats sitting in the window

‘You told security to keep us out’: Overprotective Parents Denied Entry to Daughter’s Home After She Orders Security to Lock Them Out

I have yet to meet parents who respect their kid’s boundaries. My mom for one, is a lovely person, but she doesn’t have a respectful bone in her body. She’ll tell the whole neighborhood about my dating life, despite my many pleas to not do that. She’ll also show up unannounced at my apartment in …
Seguir leyendo ‘You told security to keep us out’: Overprotective Parents Denied Entry to Daughter’s Home After She Orders Security to Lock Them Out

‘Stick it to the man!’: 85-Year-Old Granny Reverse-Gentrifies the Soulless New ‘Luxury’ Apartments in Her Neighborhood by Flooding it With Vermin

Don’t you feel lucky to live in an era where 1%er developer moguls can use luxury apartments as a mondo write-off? With tax season in our wake, us regular folks are stoked over our tiny tax returns and our mini-credits, but imagine if you could write off a building worth millions of dollars? Well, nowadays, …
Seguir leyendo ‘Stick it to the man!’: 85-Year-Old Granny Reverse-Gentrifies the Soulless New ‘Luxury’ Apartments in Her Neighborhood by Flooding it With Vermin

Homeowner Creates Wholesome Activity for the Entire Neighborhood By Getting Passerby to Pick What Color She Should Paint Her Eclectic House, Goes Viral

It’s a beautiful day in this neighborhood, a beautiful day for a neighbor. Would you be mine? Could you be mine? Please, won’t you be my neighbor?

‘If you want it done, do it yourself’: Neighbor demands removal of a tree from shared backyard but refuses to help pay for it, claiming it’s too expensive

Ever heard of the phrase – ‘If you want something done right, do it yourself?’. Well, some people want things done but refuse to do anything to make it happen. Those are the kind of people who constantly complain about everything and everyone around them but never do anything to help or change the situation.  …
Seguir leyendo ‘If you want it done, do it yourself’: Neighbor demands removal of a tree from shared backyard but refuses to help pay for it, claiming it’s too expensive

‘Don’t tell me I’m devaluing your house, or I will’: Woman complies with HOA to get back at neighbors who insist her unsightly driveway is devaluing their house that’s for sale

These people didn’t play their cards right when trying to mess with one of their neighbors who happened to be a hard-headed woman. They were selling their house, and were furious that this woman had the nerve to have boxes scattered across her driveway. The woman was just reorganizing her garage, but these people didn’t …
Seguir leyendo ‘Don’t tell me I’m devaluing your house, or I will’: Woman complies with HOA to get back at neighbors who insist her unsightly driveway is devaluing their house that’s for sale

‘Messages left by huskies are hard to ignore’: Fiery neighbor starts beef with the small dog owner across the street after discovering daily ‘presents’ on their lawn

There are many reasons to start a feud with your neighbor. Perhaps they have loud parties on weeknights or they leave their wet clothes in the communal washing machine for hours on end. Dealing with bad neighbors is a rite of passage for any adult human in polite society, but when it comes to pet …
Seguir leyendo ‘Messages left by huskies are hard to ignore’: Fiery neighbor starts beef with the small dog owner across the street after discovering daily ‘presents’ on their lawn

‘She reported my vehicle as abandoned’: Karen calls cops on neighbor for parking in front of her own house

Everyone hates a tattletale. If someone is doing something wrong, they’re probably going to get caught anyway, so why put yourself in the middle of it? I especially hate people who create conflict where there isn’t any in the first place. That is precisely what happened to one Redditor who got the bylaws called on …
Seguir leyendo ‘She reported my vehicle as abandoned’: Karen calls cops on neighbor for parking in front of her own house

‘We called up our landlord’: Roommates Get Their New Neighbors Evicted in Less Than a Month

Imagine your neighbors are noisy. Not just any kind of noisy, but the vacuuming at 3 am, stomping, and yelling at odd hours kind of noisy. Starting to get the picture? Good, because these neighbors that OP described were the absolute worst. Besides the noise disturbances late at night, these neighbors also made false claims …
Seguir leyendo ‘We called up our landlord’: Roommates Get Their New Neighbors Evicted in Less Than a Month