Unschooler mom doesn’t teach 8-year-old daughter to read, assumed that she would organically learn how on her own: ‘A reading tutor expressed her disappointment that I missed the window and now my child will struggle’

There are some things that don’t need to be taught in a school setting. For instance, every human being, barring severe delays, will learn how to speak. It is ingrained into our brains to learn how to speak our native language, even if we don’t receive any formal education. If you attend a prestigious preschool …
Seguir leyendo Unschooler mom doesn’t teach 8-year-old daughter to read, assumed that she would organically learn how on her own: ‘A reading tutor expressed her disappointment that I missed the window and now my child will struggle’

‘She married a useless man’: Unemployed husband refuses to help with young child, forces wife to beg well-off friend for free childcare

You always hear, «It takes a village.» And it’s true. There’s no such thing as raising a child in isolation. Children need outside influences, and parents need help. Ideally, you find yourself in a symbiotic relationship with people who mutually benefit each other. You watch your friend’s kids when you can, and she watches yours when you can’t. And the kids gain life-long friendships with each …
Seguir leyendo ‘She married a useless man’: Unemployed husband refuses to help with young child, forces wife to beg well-off friend for free childcare

The Wildest Parenting Texts of the Week (May 28, 2024)

Every kid deserves parents, but not every parent deserves a kid. Every kid in the world deserves to be loved and taken care of, but unfortunately, there are more kids than fit parents in the world. It’s objectively good for the population that it’s so easy to have a baby, and I’m not one of …
Seguir leyendo The Wildest Parenting Texts of the Week (May 28, 2024)

The Most Entertaining Parenting Posts of the Week (May 27, 2024)

There is an endless pool of social media posts about parenting. Babies are born every day, and new hot takes will always be emerging about what the right way to parent is. There are parenting strategies from 50 years ago that remain relevant, and there is extremely popular advice today that will be considered totally …
Seguir leyendo The Most Entertaining Parenting Posts of the Week (May 27, 2024)

Neglectful parents try to take sentimental baby blanket from their 17-year-old son knitted by his beloved great grandmother for their highly anticipated baby girl: ‘They told me it’s like I don’t even want her to exist’

Everyone has one of those sentimental items from childhood they couldn’t stand to see go. Even if you’re a grown man or woman, your favorite stuffed animal or blanket from your earliest years will always be near and dear to your heart. We’re often put in situations where we are pressured into giving childhood items …
Seguir leyendo Neglectful parents try to take sentimental baby blanket from their 17-year-old son knitted by his beloved great grandmother for their highly anticipated baby girl: ‘They told me it’s like I don’t even want her to exist’

‘There is no reason for me to stay’: College graduate moves back in with her parents to save money, only for them to demand she pay rent and do all the housework

Living with your parents well after you graduate from college has become a consensus among young adults. Since a college degree is, more often than not, no longer enough to grant a graduate their first actual job, it is extremely difficult for young adults to be able to afford rent, so they end up going …
Seguir leyendo ‘There is no reason for me to stay’: College graduate moves back in with her parents to save money, only for them to demand she pay rent and do all the housework

Stepmom refuses to make anything but tuna sandwiches for 18-year-old stepdaughter, controlling husband cuts her off financially: ‘She is sleeping in the guest room’

Tuna sandwiches are perhaps an acquired taste for many. Unless you grew up with them, they might seem like a gross-out food. Or if you did grow up with them, and had to eat them after they’d rotted in your lunchbox for a couple hours, then you really might feel that way. Either way, most people would probably agree that they’re a lunch food, and …
Seguir leyendo Stepmom refuses to make anything but tuna sandwiches for 18-year-old stepdaughter, controlling husband cuts her off financially: ‘She is sleeping in the guest room’

Cheapskate dad chews out daughter for adding $20 to paltry tip behind his back: ‘The total came to $340’

It might be pretty much universally resented, but tipping culture is a cold, hard reality in the US. Servers make their livings on tips, there’s no way around it. Sure, we’d all love to live in a world where everyone makes a living wage and the burden is shifted away from the consumer and onto …
Seguir leyendo Cheapskate dad chews out daughter for adding $20 to paltry tip behind his back: ‘The total came to $340’

Parents skip 16-year-old son’s high school graduation because his sister went into labor, doesn’t give birth until 18 hours after the graduation: ‘They could have had at least had one of them stay with me’

No parent wants to have to choose between children during important in their lives. People can plan around this as much as they want, making sure weddings don’t fall on milestone birthdays and avoiding proposing on Christmas. However, sometimes nature takes its course, and older sisters go into labor on their little brother’s graduation day. …
Seguir leyendo Parents skip 16-year-old son’s high school graduation because his sister went into labor, doesn’t give birth until 18 hours after the graduation: ‘They could have had at least had one of them stay with me’

26-year-old daughter gets 2 years free rent and spends money on home improvements, retaliates when mom moves to sell the house for ‘mental health reasons’: ‘Family first’

There’s the old saying «There’s no such thing as a free lunch.» It’s based on the economic principle that even if someone else pays for your lunch, you’re paying with the time spent having lunch. It’s a surprising but sound concept. There’s always a hidden cost to things that might appear to come free.  This is especially true when you start involving family, like the TV show Gilmore Girls aptly illustrated. Your rich parents might pay for …
Seguir leyendo 26-year-old daughter gets 2 years free rent and spends money on home improvements, retaliates when mom moves to sell the house for ‘mental health reasons’: ‘Family first’